Well let me add a little more context to where I worked specifically because everywhere is obviously going to be different.

We had a donut cabinet, at the end of the day we would write on a sheet of paper what's left, then the donut guy would come in with new donuts, bag up the old ones, and go throw them away in our dumpster. If a homeless person came in at night I would just write off some donuts and give them to the person and on paper the exact same thing happened.

Also for larger stores that want to donate food officially like Walmart or something the 1996 Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act makes the food poisoning argument fall flat on it's face.

I think companies would just rather throw the stuff away to spite people that can't afford to buy from them.

What does account have to do with writing it off as waste then throwing it away vs writing it off as waste and giving it away?

I asked my manager at a convenience store once why we throw away all the donuts and don’t just give them to the many homeless people we encounter. They said something along the lines of “because that’s product people could’ve bought, it’s lost profit if we give it out so It goes in the trash.”

Like what?

Except, nothing Christians believe is even in the Bible because they can’t read. I hate religion but if they actually followed most of the Bible I could kind of tolerate it.

They wouldn’t even need an excuse because they would just celebrate it… “See, he says what he thinks, and takes what he wants, such a powerful man.”

Getting started on your next game and supporting your free title post-release can both be good things. If the player base is substantial for you it could give you some brownie points to update and make more people look out for your next game.

If the GOP wasn’t a wannabe fascist dictatorship I’d say guns are bad and only lead to increased child deaths and suicide but they’ve publicized their Nazi playbook so let’s arm the left.

Ghosts is one of my favorite call of duties. I was at the peak of my teenage years and was playing game battles so I have fond memories of it.

Their handle “ThatVeganHealer” just really says all you need to know without reading the rest…

Ah yes, the tech that locks your charger in the port and bricks the car, the tech that thinks a train is a convoy of semi trucks that it can drive through, the tech that locks children inside if the battery is dead, etc.

I’m an atheist in Oklahoma and of course I am undoubtedly against this. Every Oklahoman who is Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc will be against this. There are even a lot of Christians and Catholics who are a against this because they respect the separation of church and state and want the religious study kept to a church, where they have people who’s job it is to teach this and are “qualified” to teach it.

Republican infighting is the healthiest thing for this country right now. If they want to kill each other let them.

I was in a nearly identical situation once upon a time and she went on to cheat on me three times. Twice with sex and one was emotional cheating.

Sorry, Reddit only has +1 additional curse.

Nice straw man. Yes you need mods to fix the part that isn’t an engine issue, which was the point of the discussion. It’s not an engine issue.

I know someone who isn’t voting at all because they’re tired of the democrats dragging their feet for a lack of better words. If you feel this way, fine, but this election is not the time to dick around. We can show the Democratic Party that we do not support them doing the minimum required to win another time when the country isn’t at risk of being taken over by Christian Taliban.

It’s an issue with game code and model configurations. That’s why there are mods for Skyrim that fix broken meshes and / or textures.

And those 5% are probably the pick me employees.

Why do people buy $300,000 sports cars that are horrible unreliable pieces of junk meant for race tracks with stringent maintenance schedules? Why buy a $400 purse when a $10 purse from Walmart does the same thing? People just like looking like they have a lot of money so “designer animals”, as I’ve heard someone call them, are for the trendy snob type.

If this is real I’m Jesus Christ

Pretty much the only things wrong with America are politics and a small number of crazy people.

No, just pile that shit up at the register and let them deal with it.

I don’t get why people are going crazy about Biden’s performance. Trump had a much worse performance because 100% of things that came out of his mouth weren’t even true. He also deflected every question to Mexican immigrants. At least Biden actually answered most of the questions. Who the fuck cares if he has a stutter and looks old? Like grow the fuck up.