That's even worse than my dad's childhood. They just pooped in a bucket in the house but his job was to dump it outside 

Eastern Orthodox

Of course talk to your priest about this desire, it is not a bad desire to serve the church. But at this point don't look at catechism as a hurdle to get through to become a priest. Don't have the mindset of "which books should I read to prepare for seminary?". Right now your job is to become orthodox. Learn the services, participate in church life, pray, fast, give alms. Allow yourself to be humbled by the process of becoming a child in the faith.

For those of us who desire the priesthood that is good, scripture tells us he who desires to be an elder (bishop/priest) desires a good work. Nothing wrong with that, but one step at a time. On top of all this we may desire it but the answer may still be "No".

In Paul's letters when he describes what a good leader in the church is, he lists a lot of boring traits like, has a good relationship with his family, honest, sober, etc. etc. Just work on your own holiness, make your desire known to your priest. There is a shortage of priests so if your priest believes you would be fit for the role he will continue the conversation likely in a few years. Typically a convert must be at least 3 years in the faith (not counting the catechuman phase) before they can even pursue the priesthood. Then seminary takes time and effort as well.

Don't be discouraged but also be at peace with the idea that you may never be clergy. Pray, fast, give alms. Strive for holiness.

You asked for readings, I recommend everyone at every stage read "beginning to pray by Anthony Bloom"

God bless you brother.

Eastern Orthodox

Yes parish council is where a lot of the real leadership happens at the local level. Many churches are lead in this way by women

I would have hit him, honestly.

He is a pervert. Sadly though I think in this world it just isn't really safe to be in that situation. Having a child in an open shower with naked adults will only invite these creeps.

I would avoid the showers 

Eastern Orthodox

My first icons were from a book I found at a thrift store I cut them out and taped them on the top shelf of my book case 

Eastern Orthodox

A good priest may also apply different things to different people depending on their needs. For some the vanity that comes from make up or other trivial things may lead to sin and its better to be avoided

Eastern Orthodox

There are certain things that if you are curious you should discuss with a priest. If your curious for the sake of curiosity there isn't much point on bringing up these topics online.

Yes you should talk to a priest or bishop if you have these experiences and they will more than likely tell you to keep it to yourself. As have most theologians advised over the years. This isn't some fan fiction fantasy where we just swap ghost stories. At best it's a distraction. At worst an obsession.

Just because this person has little attention on Reddit does not mean they are automatically truthful. This is a poor judge of facts. You don't need to look far online to see that Christians in general get way too interested in the demonic.

There is no fruit from this.

Eastern Orthodox

It isn't helpful to share your stories of demonic attack and deliverance. There is no way to regulate and authenticate these claims and often lead to people becoming overly interested and fascinated about the wrong things. Many church fathers and early monastics discourage people from sharing their spiritual experiences. Especially for us lay people it is not for us to discern and share at our discretion.

It is enough to say Christ can and does deliver us. And let priests handle it from there.

Eastern Orthodox

I mean they can be fake people on the internet can very easily lie about spiritual experiences. Go to any religious YouTube channel and their videos that talk about demons the devil or exorcism have the most views people are obsessed with this stuff so some people just simply lie. It can 100% be real but there is often little to no use in lay people discussing and musing about it among themselves as spectators.

If there is some demonic activity that needs to be made public your bishop will handle that. Let's not go digging and treat it as entertainment.

Eastern Orthodox

Unless you have express permission and blessing from clergy you shouldn't share this. Not a lot of good comes from telling ghost stories and encouraging an interest in demonic activity. This is pretty much the advice of monastics through out history 

Eastern Orthodox

I would really not recommend engaging with this person or content. These sorts of the spiritual things are either fake or need to consultation of a priest or bishop and certainly shouldn't be posted online. It's not entertainment it is more often a distraction from prayer.

Eastern Orthodox

Honestly a lot of athiests don't even listen to these guys anymore. Sam Harris Richard Dawkins Christopher Hitchens etc. The new athiest movement guys etc. Their arguments and ideas are very surface level and often misrepresent actual Christianity anyway and serious athiests understand that.

Nothing wrong with reading and engaging with it but i would also not take them too seriously 

Eastern Orthodox

It was not done because some politician just really loves God and wants others  to know God. It was done to get voters. And that's all that will come from this.

As if a kid reading the 10 commandments will be blown away. "No way! Braighden, did you known stealing is wrong?"

Eastern Orthodox

Monasticism is the fulfillment if the nazarite oath found in numbers chapter 6. St John the forerunner was took this oath and some take it for a certain period of time such as st Paul in acts. Lord  of spirits has an episode on this from their earlier days it's a good deep dive.

There is also the tradition of the temple virgins. Young women or older unmarried or widowed women who worked for the temple. One of these women is seen in st lukes gospel in Christ childhood account. The theotokos was temple virgin and then was put in the care of st Joseph when she was of age. 

I highly doubt it lol. Since its a good product there would likely be a lot of hoops. I think even the donation centers have very strict guidelines you need to follow you can't just drop off a bunch of frozen stuff without clearing a few hurdles. But I could be wrong

I honestly have no idea. I'm sure there is someone on YouTube who does it. I would honestly put up posters advertising at a gym or something 

You gotta sell it when it still got that orange zest in there

Pretty sure most people that sell here aren't following a lot of laws haha

Yeah 65 is a bit young but 72 isn't unreasonable and just a  few more years. I'm just saying we can't all bank on getting to 80+

$4 an ounce is the going rate 

The real money is in selling the milk. Keep your wife hooked up to that thing