You can buy Gift Cards with 1:1 price on Newegg website, and then they email you a gift code which you can redeem in PS store. I tried local ways but the additional fees are insulting.

White :Silver:

I love my APM but it also comes with issues. Allow me to point of ones I’m facing on daily basis:

1) APM Buggy state - this is when APM just goes dumb mode, not connecting to my phone when I put them on. Instead, it stays in “off” noise cancellation mode, muffled but not transparent either - the only solution I found that works is force restart (noise control + crown pressed at the same time for about 10-15 seconds) until orange light appears.

2) I had two pairs replaced due to battery drain issues - my APM would be idle and I would have 5-10% battery in the morning, despite leaving them at 80-90% - this I couldn’t fix - tried with and without smart case as well. Gladly I had my warranty then and replaced it for free.

3) This is my 3rd different pair - after getting them last March, my charging port died out of nowhere, and I had no other way but to get it replaced, adding the unnecessary value to already premium price headphones.

Other than that, I love APM and it’s the best sounding headphones for me personally, compared to XM4 and XM5 from Sony as well - tested both of them personally, and it’s just my opinion, not an universal answer.

For example, transparency mode is excellent, many people around me aren’t 100% sure how I can hear them so well and when tested, they find this feature very strange lol, I love it.

:relatheist: ათეისტი

The Big Short - არ ინანებ 😁

23dLink  - there you go, you can see my both sleeves in this post. I hope it helps.

Oh yes, they look amazing brother, lemme find my posts and show you

That's something you can't compare, simple as that.

We have unique environments, life (friends, family etc) and hobbies.

While I like going out and lighting up a J in nice weather, most of the time I'm home, playing or watching TV shows.

Also, it really depends on the strain too, Sativa and Indica style 😎

:relatheist: ათეისტი

არც სააკაშვილი ვარგოდა და არც ეს მთავრობა ვარგა - სანამ ქართველი "ტიპი" არ მოეშვება ღმერთის როლის თამაშს მანამდე არ გვეღირსება წესიერი მომავალი :)

Any reason you're asking this question? I believe it has something to do with insecurity itself.

While being 172 cm tall myself bothered me for a while, my current life is going great, and I don't even care about my height anymore - you should think the same way.

Also, you'll be short for some people, average for some and then tall for some of them even - we all have unique preferences, and something that's genetic shouldn't worry you that much.

People should appreciate you for being you, and if height is a major concern for someone you're potentially dating (idk, no context was given in your post) then you got the wrong person.

In case you'll need to chat, I'm here to help.

:relatheist: ათეისტი

ამას ხელი როგორ უნდა დაარტყა, სახეზევე ეტყობა რა გაუნათლებელი და სუსტი ყლეა, ეგრევე პოლიციაში გიჩივლებს და მერე ისევ შენ დაგიჭერენ😂 მეცოდება ეგეთი ხალხი სხვა სამყაროში რომ ცხოვრობენ და აცდენილი არიან რეალობას.

:relatheist: ათეისტი

მთელი აზრი ეგრევე წავიკითხე და ნამუშევარიც იდეალურადაა შესრულებული დღევანდელ რეალობასთან - W დედა 🔥

The first rule of Mac Mini in 2024: It's at least M1 Mac Mini or nothing below that.

გააჩნია ცხოვრებაში რა ეტაპზე ხარ. მე რომ ყველა ის პირობა მქონდეს რაც მჭირდება, მაგალითად ბინა დასრულებული რემონტით და ა.შ. მაშინ ამის ნახევარ ხელფასზეც ვიმუშავებდი დიზაინის სფეროში მაგალითად.

White :Silver:

If my APM had USB-C I wouldn't really upgrade to second gen when it comes out.

Another example of crooked government, hype up this post, hopefully someone with knowledge of law shows up to help this guy.

No one, that's why we're trying to get rid of this stuff, the government doesn't give a flying f about your job or things you have to leave behind.

:relatheist: ათეისტი

Chicken Invaders 2 სცადე უნდა მოგეწონოს წესით

Hey Reddit VR! I'm so in love with this product already. The whole setup process alone left me stunned - this is my very first proper VR experience. The only thing close to this product was my 2015 cart box VR lol.

I own Gran Turizmo 7, No Man's Sky, purchased Switchback VR game today and planning to get Creed game in a few days.

Do you have any suggestions for games which are worth the money?


Try ITWorks, but speaking from experience of my friend and one of my colleagues, they'll offer you something low, so depends how much you'll be asking.

I never sold anything on Reddit personally, but I tried. However, I did it on public subreddit so I was ready to ship the item somewhere else if it was needed. is useful in this case, as well as However, you might also find someone interested on Reddit, I bought my GPU on Reddit.