and whoever downvoted you doesn't like that fact being said outloud, fuck them

not the first ive heard of these trash cabbies doing this

Same regional crows also sent a Bald Eagle and a couple Red Tail Hawks packing too. Practically burned a US flag on the lawn of the Eagle nest.

We once had a Raven come through our neighborhood and try to blend in making the weirdest "caw-caw?" sounds and I'm pretty sure the crows that attacked that raven and chased it out of here are doing hard time still

There's isn't a world my imagination inhabits where Birds are not racist to a predatory and violent degree.

absence of anything resembling a thought

as long as they are seasoned properly you're in subjective-as-fuck territory and highly encouraged to mix and match your wood smoke flavors from this explorer perspective.

Though maybe deal in larger sets with someone who moves bigger volumes next time. Just for the sake of uniformity.

the threatening physical nature of it is the point