LOL. Those were the days.

Drinking from hoses was the least of the horrors.

We rode our bikes though bug spraying. This, dark bug killer. We broke open thermometers and rolled the mercury around. We had lead tinsel on our Christmas tree and made lead balls after the holidays.

We slathered ourselves with baby oil and laid outside baking in the sun. We got on our bikes and rode as far as we could and our parents never had a clue where we were till it was time to come home for dinner.

I can’t give you a price per sq ft but I would add a half bath. Even if all it fits is a tiny sink and toilet.

It is depressing, but the older I get the more realistic and jaded. I’m old AF. I lived through race riots in the 60s. Hanger abortions, women with no rights. I was born anti authoritarian and luckily raised by a dad that was a feminist and social rebel long before its time. He used to tell my sisters and I that public schools dumb down kids- that if you want change, there’s nothing like a revolution.

We just built a house in the middle of the woods. Hoping to learn to become more self sufficient. Glad I don’t have grandkids. The fear is bad enough leaving behind my adult kids.

These are scarier times than when I was a kid. At least then there wasn’t open rebellion like this in our elected officials.

I’ve knocked on doors. My husband and I have done get out the vote. We’ve done it in a red area where you feel afraid of who’s going to answer the door.

Human nature is what it is. We adapt quickly and so what should be corrected just become the norm.

We should never, ever take our freedoms here for granted. I don’t believe we’ll be safe here if the GOP end up in the majority. And do really believe that they have plans to win at any cost.

‘Worth fighting for’

Yes, but the people on the bottom can only do so much. The people with all the money and power don’t care what they leave behind. They’re the ones running the show and pulling the strings.

Is he and his friends aware that you didn’t have those kids alone? That you both have babies- not just you

I would never like a job enough to continue to put my life’s energy into it. My husband and I have plans. We’ve got a sawmill, and a tractor and land. We want to do woodworking, build outbuildings, make art with blacksmithing and welding.

He can’t retire soon enough. He’s been wanting to for a few years now. Badly. And. He’s not even 55.

We want to LIVE not just live. Not keep getting up every day for someone else to pay him to keep making a lot more money for them. And I don’t think there are very many employers that give a shit about the people that work for them.

Every year from now on we’ll hear the same. Never seen anything like it. Because each year things will get worse.

New insect borne viruses, bigger storms, hotter weather, bigger tornadoes.

”Never seen anything like it”

I think you ought to confess. Tell her about the money and get help. This time you have a ’windfall’ next time you may lose the house.

My grandmother’s body just kept getting weaker. She lived to be 100. She never was sick a day in her life that I knew her. Never had a surgery. She was a tiny fighter- bet 100 pounds soaking wet. Kept her wits about her till the end.

I see a blend of traditional with a touch of farmhouse. The checkerboard backsplash and the floating heavy floating shelves giving the farmhouse feel.

You can’t eat metal. If food and water were scarce, why would someone want your metal traded for it? They would want more food and water.

25 was the hardest birthday ever for me because I couldn’t believe I was a quarter of a century old. Fifty didn’t bother me much, but 25 did. Now I’m gonna be 65- the ‘retirement’ number and 25 seems like the best year ever.

I would tell myself, this is your best life. Eat healthy, save money, enjoy it.

Or maybe your spouse took out some hefty life insurance and is now pushing for a sale :)

The sixties were scary- but not like now. Now we have a leading candidate (leaving aside he’s a convicted felon and rapist) openly saying that he intends to extract political revenge. The hippies warned of us of killing earth, but we didn’t listen and now we are facing extreme climate change.

Even if it were safe, why? If you can afford to buy a house, why pick one where if you have a few beers and walk out your backdoor you tumble to your death?

We had a very good working relationship with the architect and builder. Everything was run by one or the other first. All of the lighting and plumbing fixtures were shipped to our house and we lived with our living room looking like a warehouse for a year.

Unlike so many other posts I read here we have nothing but praises to sing for our builder. They were a class act the whole way.

Oh yea, they wouldn’t come out to inspect w/out us paying first.

I stand corrected. Not sure where I got 17,800. Actually only a bit over 10k

Breakdown for 800k loan

processing fee 799.

appraisal fee 575.

Tax service fee 180.

credit report 105.

Municipal lien to town 50.

Insurance tracking 80.

Recording fees 205.

per diem interest 86.

4 months of property tax 9,000

Great purchase that I didn’t expect to be: The vacuum sealer. It really does keep food fresher longer. Also, if you buy a Foodsaver and it breaks even years later they’ll just replace it and pay to have your old one sent back to them.

I don’t think there is a single thing that we don’t grab from time to time and I’m glad then that we have it.

Northeast US

I’d have to pull out our papers to see the break down. We didn’t put anything down, we had to prove we had 30% (20% ‘downpayment’ and 10% to cover overage) but we didn’t give it to anyone. It stayed in our account)

3.5% interest (we made our application just before interest started to climb)

800K loan and closing costs 17,800.