About a year and a half ago me and my fiancé moved away from the few family and friends we had for a job opportunity. My fiancés friend was the one who got him the job so he came here with friends. Shortly after moving we found out we are having twins(so 4 kids under 4). For the past year and a half we would get invited to hangout every few months with everyone but my fiancé would get invited over constantly on his own to stay the night. He already goes away for work and I have no one that is able to come help me so I would rather him stay home and do stuff with us on the weekend. I feel like I would be more okay if I was also invited to do stuff just me but I don’t get invited. We only all get invited every few weeks and it’s last minute. Then there’s a whole boys weekend where there are wife’s and other women there but I wasn’t allowed cause I have too many kids. I didn’t expect to be invited the whole time but to just include me and my kids for a few hours considering there are other kids there.