"Son slayer!!". (or according to my favorite books: kinslayer)

Excellent writing. I could picture Chang saying that. Made me laugh.

Southern New York and the Trump supporters here are as crazy as anywhere

Were they ghosts or was it the janitor? It wasn't certain either way. Should the shining reference be definitive?

The little known inspiration for Tennessee Williams seminal work

Me too. I watched alone in my house with the lights off at 13 and that opening scene gave me chills. Had to turn the lights on.

Close enough. I get projected into three specific scenes. They're all situations that scare me and in 2 of them I'm with my children. They're scared and looking to me to save them. Not fun Just started talking to a therapist about these for the first time.

So here's where my mind went here🤷 : "But I'm telling you, and I'm telling everybody at this table that that's a cat!And I know what a cat looks like, because I've seen one up close. And you'd better do something about this one, because I don't intend to go through that hell again."

I heard the title sentence as the opening narration of a movie with the gray kitten the main character. I assume I'm not the only one? (P.S.: I think I heard Robert Redford's voice)

It all began on an overcast afternoon in late March when I was born the 3rd of seven kittens...

Good luck letting that little guy go