I wanna find someone who has intrusive images that do the following…

  • the intrusive image is more than just an image, it’s a full scene with a background and everything

  • my intrusive scene is automatic/random

  • I was sat in a car but my image took place in a kitchen (so I had a random image flash of something bad happening somewhere else to where I was sat)

  • was in first person and felt really “close” kinda like I was in it

  • I could still maintain awareness/see the car I was sat in

  • vivid

  • was slightly more vivid than reality for a moment

  • it’s not a memory but made up

  • the image must take place in a different location to where you’re sat (so if you are sat in car and an intrusive image pops up, it can’t be of the car you’re in)

  • all these points occurred at the same time