I dont have hope anywhere near this direction, as even frenchcore is barely heard anymore on durch festivals, just standing here for the genre to keep it alive abit! :D and love making it, biiig thanks for checking out!!!! :)

To the OSTDEUTSCHER TEKK part :D the vibe live is insane, been listening to this while on festivals since 2012 and there is a reason why it is so popular, seen the very olds of them live like Zahni or Wanja & Crotekk :D at least for me the very old, it goes even more back if you check Karl Pelzer which is one of the first I think

If you look for some older examples its Alryk, Tromatyk, Gamm@, Harry Potar If its newer artist you can check Sasio, Atomstaub, Reap Mexc, Flyp Fermentor

From my own production „Monkey Selektah - Mi Tekke“ which has typical hardtek vibes

There is a big difference to the Hardtekk in germany I often call it Osttekk :D has way more distortion and little less of the „bounciness“

sadly its not the hardtek i‘m looking for :D but the original hardtek from france is also played in eastern germany but not on big events, I produce it myself but it feels like i‘m one of 3-4 in germany doing this style

What I think is strange that its massively popular in the dnb scene right now but it seems like its called 4x4, but is literally the same style if you check dimension on utra miami this year

will there ever be a moment again where we see this on big festivals where it is also declared as it

Seeing hardtek get played on ultra miami, but in europe completely lost besides in czech

making music when you feel it is a hobby, being able to make music everyday and treat it properly with releasing + promotion is professional I would say you become it and there is no specific time when you know it

haha there might be a factor with what you wrote as second point. First 3 videos were original content and the second both were memes but they are based on the music we do. Still might got flagged as bot then. Thanks for the informations

did you stopped uploading after this happened and just started today again or do you tried it inbetween?

I got the same issue on an account but its been 7 days now posting with 0 views. I deleted those posts which is written here as a no go very often. After then I only put them on private anymore but I wonder how long it will take to get shown again. I read some stuff about beeing flagged as a bot can be a case too and made sure my email is verified + put my phone number to the account

can you tell me how long the time between those 3 videos was, where the views turned down and appeared again?

we got the same issue on a channel but its a very new channel, we uploaded 2 videos both around 400 views, then we uploaded a new one which got 0 views, after then all next 3 videos didnt get any impressions neither views.

Its an artist account, we think its either caused by the verification or it has something to do with the 3rd video we uploaded that there is something against the guidelines which would be strange for us, as there is no violence or something that could cause problems in case of visuals or something.

Vorgestern 2 von den Perlenbachern getrunken huiuiuii :D hätte nicht mit dieser Süffigkeit gerechnet

I looked up the second link, generic bleeding or using a proper sidechain plugin to have a slight curve at the end will fix the problem. If you have no curve the sound will end from 100% to 0% in a nanosecond or faster, it has to be 0.03 sec or something, just a very little curve. Generic bleeding can often make the kick sound too short after. The new function in fl with the fade outs is also a good way to get rid of it.

Sounds cant end in either positive or negative (up and down), they need to end in neutral, which is called zero crossing.

Shoutout to Re-Fuzz showing this to us back then :D

Is there a sample ending / cut in those circles? If yes, I have the answer, try out generic bleeding on those samples. If they arent cut right, a sample can cause a click which plays right after upon the next sample / part of the kick and your whole sound is heavily overclipping and eats all the high frequencies, which are lost in the upper picture

I guess your edit is the right solution, I am a hardcore producer and this is one of the most mistakes done, as people miss that a sound cant end in positive or negative and usually just cut the sample without caring

Big thing here, sounding professional doesnt mean you get a label release automatically.

There are alot more factors that labels care about, are you marketable, do you have a standing, is there a story behind your project, are you able to tell the story, do you have a unique selling point (in case of look, mental health issue etc etc, can be everything)

Being an artist (on a label) and learning music production are 2 complete different things

Könnte es noch andere Gründe für das Abrutschen geben?

Ich würde behaupten mein Vater war mal in der selben Situation, dass er sich diese Frage gestellt hat, ob ich verkümmere und nie was auf die Reihe bekomme, nachdem ich lange Zeit sehr viel meine Verpflichtungen vernachlässigt habe. Mittlerweile bin ich Dj, verdien den großteil meines Einkommens mit Musik, regelmäßig unterwegs und hab mir genau damit meinen Traum erfüllt.

Offen kommunizieren hätte Chancen gehabt, mich eventuell auf einen „richtigeren“ Weg geführt, wohingegen es aber kein richtig oder falsch gibt. Vielleicht ist es garnicht sein Ziel eine Ausbildung zu machen, vielleicht will er ein Jahr mal rumgammeln, vielleicht will er reisen und dabei sein Geld verdienen, es gibt zig Möglichkeiten, doch die gilt es herauszufinden und gegebenenfalls das zu unterstützen, was er im Kopf hat und mag es noch so „unerreichbar“ klingen.

Kiffen ist nicht gleich ein Auslöser für das Abstürzen, es sind die negativen Gedanken die dadurch verstärkt werden und zum Vorschein kommen. Bei mir gabs es genauso Durchhänger, gleichzeitig aber auch genügend Situationen in denen es mir enorm geholfen hat.

After years of watching alot of technical stuff and got on a level, I can recommend bishu alot. While watching him there is not alot about theory but its watching a musician who has full control over his daw. He brings out exactly what he got on his mind, that showed me how music is truly made besides all the producer stuff as we often go for alot of technical stuff rather than just be creative and drive with your mind

Also this guy is funny while making music :D if you are on a level and can follow someone who is just producing instead of explaining, his channel can be very mind opening

Making music is not the way to get booked anymore unfortunately

Putting out more tracks in such a style to keep those listeners, or at least in a style

If the case is happening for someone who is into for a longer time and is able to do alot of tracks in a short time rather put them out than thinking about the „next big hype idea“, just put it out to hold momentum, especially with how spotify algorythms work, which I had no clue about in that time too.

It feels like as longer you can hold the momentum as more you get pushed, espexially if you focus on a specific style and dont experiment too much, so they got it easier to find audience for your style

If you hype, get as much as you can out of it Saw this alot over the years, also happened to me when I had no clue and lost the complete momentum

As it was my first ever release (collab with someone which was very rising back then) I dont feel bad about it, as I wasnt even able to hold it that time, also my career is still kinda based on this track.

Edit: this is more of an artist thing :)

I hate all those plain drops to be honest, feels like Uptempo but with an off beat bass and real punch. On the other side you get the most feedback while playing exactly those tracks. I'm on the same side missing the old frenchcore.

Sad thing is even older frenchcore parties that come back, still book the same artists, some of them havent even one release in 2023, its very sad, as newer and fresher frenchcore acts dont even get a chance to find the true frenchcore listener.

I dont think we can expect alot of frenchcore from Billx, he got his origins in rave culture music, and it seems like he gets back there alot over the last two years

Also frenchcore had its peak some years ago and you can literally see how many frenchcore acts stop, have a new alias with uptempo or dont do it anymore with their existing alias

I read that too, while I know some artists over those numbers dont have it, even a friend who is waaaay above those numbers didnt have it until I showed him. He fixed it with contacting his distributor (I think it was tunecore in this case)

The right distributor is the most important thing, I think as I use distrokid for 4 years now, maybe I was lucky combined with a long time subscription now

I have discovery mode with around 8-9k monthly listeners Also dont rely on that too much it gives me around 2.5k streams a month, it works the same as before, the more popular your track is, the more it gets pushed