Main: remove at, replace supp art by ranger, if you push with then add foot untill you reach 30, if not go 20w. AT div: you don’t really need it again ussr. Garison: 10w, engineer, arti sup and aa sup thats enough. Tank div replace the 2 artillery supp with aa and maintenance (you go in low attrition zone), motorized: replace supp artillery with maintenance and go 30w. CAS: assign a company, let the tank but replace the other by reinforced seat and the cas module for diving. Fighter: full heavy riffles no canon, seat, air radar and a gaz tank. Assign company. You don’t need at cas against ussr. Naval bomber: remove the rifle, replace the canon by floater. Don’t build heavy tank. Go full med or full light. Med tank: reliability too low, change the suspension for the bar, use wet amunitions or the easy maintenance module (support maintenance second research i think) go full gaz tank! You gonna fight into the motherland! Replace med canon by howitzer (ussr have soldiers not tank) assign a company. Try yo be over 80% reliability and 10km fir speed. Assign a company!

Chadtopian Citizen


How french sound compared to other languages for someone who know nothing about it?

The worst kind of frying. You eat a sponge full of roasted oil.

And all this to conquer an elementary school!

Why is it cringe? The guy point bull eyes on the problems of the debate. People care about a detail instead of all the bullshit vomited by trump.

Bud Spencer is now a white blond woman. God damn the woke!

He sprinted half of the distance then the other guy had to sprint.

You language have French and German as parents.

´Dad, i married a commoner..’ ´you are banned from…’ ‘He own a gym and his name is M.Westling!’ ‘Made him Prince right now!’

I tough the second taster was about to spit it out. He had this moment of hesitation. He didn’t even swallowed the second sip.

I only played minor nation in this mod and there is no much to accomplish with the i tried. I just had 1 good game in Africa because it was possible to conquer everything until Brazil declared war on me and i list in like 10 minutes even if more them half of the African continent was mine.

Its politics, don’t search logic. Their only goal is to win the next election and everything is allowed to reach this goal.

So this is how he became dictator of china? By beating all Chinese 1 by 1 like bruce lee

Kiev doesn’t have enough troops and munitions to push.

Kat is a nightmare for zyra. I can’t remember having a good game when kat is on the map inthe opposite team