OP's the one thats drunk or high. We all know thats normal NOVA driving.

People pay real estate taxes based on the worth of their home.

I dont know what it is about these average strikers like Sean Strickland and Chris Weidman.

Those Euro and British bros are thankful for the comment.

This comment perfectly shows why it sucks for customers these days.

We get it. You dont wanna be there. We dont have to know the ins and outs. We just need to get what we paid for without the attitude.

This is the most versatile Rolex. Dress up dress down, indoors, outdoors. Its also non pretentious and has been immune to the recent Rolex bros that have become such "passionate" "collectors" of watches.

Wow...takes me to the days whem BBQ was more accessible.

Its all about matchups and styles. Same for Max Holloway and other great fighters.

Not trying to be a snob but its very mediocre.

She shouldnt be holding that cat fish aside her neck like that. The dorsal fin is very close.

Im honestly not worried about war or democracy. We are way too advanced and understand that more than ever, we are capable of destroying planets and civilization with buttons. Too much has been gained and way more to lose because of it. Weve also seen time and time again, that Authoritatarian or Communism does not workm

What gives me anxiety is really the cost of living. When I see my children, I wonder how they will ever afford things, save, retire, etc. To see our younger generation (yes we have lazy bad ones but good ones too) worrying about affording rent or never being able to purchase a home is what scares me. Living at a time when billionaires own most homes lands and can determine social classes.

Maybe it is the imbalance that challenges Democracy....the ways in which our Democracy has encouraged huge disparities between have have nots and those in the middle. My thoughts are coming full circle actually....V for Vendetta.

Hmmm....that Shopping center is the more ghetto of all the planned shopping centers in Reston. If BK cant make it maybe a McDonalds or Taco Bell. Or gentrify and add a healthy option.

Is he moving on from GME? The Kansas City Shuffle. ET saying good bye?

How many of these MACD bullish crossing confirmed posts actually gonna pan out?

Daily reminder, let people who spent lots of their own money treasure and take care of them however they want.

Unpopular response: it's not weird, but its not normal either or considerate for many reasons. Listing your height and weight and that you have ink doesnt matter but supporrts those that believe you want people to see you with your top off. Kinda like one response from a woman that says she just wears a sports bra all over the neighborhood and talks to people. Do the right thing or at least less controversial, wear a shirt. Now if its occasional here and there as you state, run out without your shirt, fine.

Then tanning salon then laundromat.