Watch the South Park episode (can't believe I'm recommending South Park) "Something Walmart this way comes" and you'll understand what I mean. It illustrates my point.

By being pretentious and not wanting to do what their parents did. Don't let them tell you any different. I'm a millennial and have witnessed it in real time. Many of the places my fellow generation goes to in lieu aren't much better. They seem better now because after 10-15 years of decline of chain restaurants has led to a decline in quality (duh) that millennials have used to say they were always bad. But at the outset it was nearly a one to one comparison with a lot of places. I won't say all, but a lot.

Until they become corporations, huh? South Park illustrated this well. Just support who or what you like, regardless. Dismount your high horse.

This is really the best answer. A lot of millennials pretend that in the 90s and early, early 2000s this wasn't on the nicer end of chain restaurants. They've forgotten where they came from. For the record, I am an elder millennial and I remember when Red Lobster was a special occasion place. Before my dad passed, he used to ask to go there for his birthday and father's day. It's still very popular in the black community (see Beyonce's line in Formation, we all got it)

Finally someone who isn't just blowing smoke. They still have moves to make, but we just lost a 20+ ppg player. We did not get better, but we are making moves to hopefully make us better and you're exactly right on the moves we need to make right now. I'd love it if we could upgrade both positions, but I'll take either.

This subreddit is fucking delusional. We absolutely got worse. Now we might not be done, but at the moment we have taken a step back anyone who thinks differently does not understand how NBA basketball works.

Trae is more Steve Nash/Chris Paul than either Splash bro. His IQ is high but diff. He thrives with the ball in his hand while directing the offense. I hate that he was compared to Steph when coming out of college. I didn't watch him at Oklahoma, but watching him in Atlanta, I totally see that Steve Nash was one of his favorite players growing up. He's a literal pick and roll maestro and he thrives when he has a good roll threat and shooters. He is an extremely streaky shooter, but when he is on he is really really on he can hit from the logo. But when he's off, he's really off and he won't stop shooting if he doesn't trust his teammates. And he didn't trust his teammates a lot this season, and sometimes I can't blame him. Everyone thinks that the run to the conference finals was a fluke, but it wasn't if you look at the makeup of the team and how they were performing. Collins and Capella were still legitimate roll to the basket threats and the shooters were hitting their shots when we needed them to, especially Bogdanovic. They really spammed the Spain pick and roll.

There's being a team supporter and there's being a homer. Two different people. This front office and ownership group have given us nothing to indicate that next year will be better. Nick's dad loves to duck the tax and is notoriously cheap. I'd love to see the team succeed, but I won't give them a dime until I see progress. No more just letting them do what they do and hoping it works. I'll be 40 in less than a month and I've watched this team since the 90s. They're out of good will from me. I'm just not convinced he's ready to be the full time secondary ball handler. Maybe Bufkin is. But we need to focus on getting one since we just gave up our best one for basically nothing.

You'd say that right now with your full chest? This sub IS delusional. If you all think after one injury shortened season he's ready for that role, y'all deserve the team they're trotting out there at the moment. Woooo.... I'm as optimistic as the next person about JJ but PUMP. THE. BRAKES. Feels like the simpsons with all these Homers in here.

Yeah, we ain't got the assets thanks to stellar work by Nick's dad.

It's not poor management, it's teamwork. The biggest issue I have seen is no one wants to help anyone and this is a great example. The way this should work is if they need help because they are behind, you pitch in and everyone does well and looks good. When you need help, and trust me, one day you will, they are there for you. You might get overwhelmed, sick, whatever. But one day you'll need help. Everyone does. Build up a good team rapport and the help will be there. Act like that, and when you need it they'll remember and let you drown like you let them. I'm an older millennial manager and I only see this attitude in millennials and Gen z. I chalk it up to poor social skills and a dangerous amount of individualism. That is just in my experience. A very "that's not my problem" mentality. Not to mention, the person you're helping may very well be on performance management, but that's not your business. Just like if you were on some form of performance management, it's not theirs either. Just my two cents.

Everyone talks about his lack of movement off ball, but no one talks about the lack of plays drawn up for off ball movement. How do you think Curry gets free? They just know to set those picks by communicating like Charles does to the X men? Kerr designed those plays. Hawks need better plays drawn up to have him do those things. Same with the Mavs. Gotta create those plays.

I bet it just boils your blood that he's successful too. Get over it.

They're downvoting you but it's true. We're right back where we were in the first Miami series with NO secondary ball handler/get your own shot guy. I understand the need to trade DJM but to not get a shot creator back is just bad business. I hope they have a plan or Trae is out...unless he really is selfish and wants all the shots.

I'd be careful in saying "so bad". Only 1 team can win a title each year and there are franchises and teams out there that have never won a title. The Knicks had been making the playoffs the past couple years. Lotta teams can't say that. They've all star and all NBA caliber players. Lotta teams can't say that. With that said, their owner is one of the worst in pro sports and he has done a horrible job hiring staff. Also, Thibs is running an effing bootcamp..

Wasn't even aware that people had shat on these things. Shame. The games have been excellent.


Great question. I am black and live just outside of Atlanta. Some would consider it the "boonies" (sounds like a term someone from outside of the south would use) and my wife and I are making very north of six figures/yr combined. I would never dream of living in any of those cities you have mentioned. I don't care if I have to deal with casual racism from time to time. Our money goes way further out here than even in the city of Atlanta and we live extremely comfortably financially and space wise. There's plenty of things to do where I live. But hey, to each their own. But this is a great question as I've often wondered what would make someone be alright being house/rent poor and these are definitely answering that question.

Edit: took out salary amount...people I know might be on here. Eeek

Nope. Much easier playing guitar, but more than likely because I've done it for going on 25 years.

Low key? Nah, high-key.

The crazy part is he admits he has an oversized ego and it caused him to leave Orlando because he wanted to be the highest paid center in the league. There's a 30 for 30 where he talks about it. His ego to me is the reason I put a lot of people over him. I can't stand it.

Whether we hold them accountable or not, they're going to be creeps. If they go too far, there are laws. Most of them will break them, TBH. So when all else fails, we have to protect ourselves!

Exactly. People don't understand why he "flops". Most refs don't feel the pressure to call anything if they can't see tangible evidence of a foul, i.e. falling, significant movement, etc. Shaq was just too prideful to flop, but he was also getting mauled. Hell, I'm certain there was a quote out there from a ref talking to a player in game and he said something along the lines of "if you don't fall, I ain't calling it". Players just adapt to what refs do, and refs and basketball and football are inconsistent at best, incompetent at worst.