So I have the reacurring problem. It has been going on for a long while and it is more of an inconvenience. Basically my PC if its turned on, restarts in the middle of the night at 2 am and then restarts 20 minutes later. It happens every time I let something download through the night. Today I witnessed in because I am awake very late. It only happens if the PC is turned on over night. It never restarts during the day. Its really an inconvenience only when I download stuff while I am asleep. I don't know what could be causing this. As I said, it started happening a long time ago. My PCs components aren't damaged, everything but the RAM sticks and disk is brand new, but as I said it has been a reacurring problem for a long time, but I don't believe it is hardware issues

One more thing to add, as the PC restarts it basically updates? the update blue screen shows up and once the update is done it restarts.

I am on windows 10, so it is a bit concerning since win 10 no longer is getting updates I believe