This is BS. It’s a 6 month old. If he’s walking and telling you he’s not done with a keyboard, you have a lot more to be thinking about than whether pushing him off the keyboard was appropriate.

They are grandparents, that’s what they do. However, I do like the idea to tell them that whenever they get the urge, to instead put it in the kids’ 529s for college. They may do it half the time. Be happy with that!

I’ve never heard of such. Most guys would not be thrilled with you wearing a ring given to you by your ex, and certainly not as your engagement ring from them! If he’s so cheap that his cheapness has won out over all pride in your relationship, he’s no prize at all.

But I’m more concerned about how controlling he seems. He wouldn’t give you back your property and just said it was safe with him? When you talked to him about the proposal and ring, he just said, “I might get another ring.” And you’re just supposed to wait around indefinitely to see what he may do?

This guy is a POS and you need to extract yourself before he wastes even more of your life and time.

It’s really weird that he would do this and then act like it’s nothing. Who needs friends like this? I would not remain “friends” with him.

NTA. He deserved to be slapped and should be glad he isn’t up on charges.

YTA. Why should your wife apologize? That just sends a message to Claire that it’s ok for her to resume her exasperating behavior. Tell Claire that you’ve told her repeatedly to stop shrieking at the baby and that she needs to apologize to your wife and not do it any more.

Happy Birthday Tasha! You are a very pretty girl!

“Oh, is this not the litter box?”

It definitely sounds like he needs therapy to get over this trauma -bonding with your adopted daughter and realize that his bio children need love too. It’s concerning that it didn’t concern him that his daughter asked why he didn’t love her anymore. That makes me wonder about his basic capacity to love.

You definitely need evaluation and diagnosis to rule out other things, and then to get on some kind of preventive meds. Also, I recommend asking for samples of ubrelvy and/or Nurtec ODT while at the neurologist, so you can see if they work for you.

Maybe a customer service rep from home or a virtual assistant, or even insurance sales or something like that.