Casually staggering the wicker giants in two casts, no biggie.

ABRA KA-BANG BANG Motherfucker

Balteus ain't go nothing on these motherfuckers.

That one was a real "Jesus, take the wheel" moment.

There was a patch that nerfed one of the marauders, I forget which one, but the build was to load it with 3 UAC2s and it would consistently headshot enemy mechs to the point where you were almost guaranteed at least a daze if not a one turn kill on anything from across the map.

Don't tell me and my scooby-treats how to live our lives.

Black Knights twin blade with the crucible’s ash of flight is fucking ridiculous

I remember last TI someone posted on here something along the lines of "I can't believe they let Yatoro pick x, where X was almost anything, TB, CK, Morph, Alch, etc.

I guess it depends on how much she could go against you if never help her kill her two fingers.

If nothing else, the Ice Worm mission is a complete master class in audio design. Let alone all the other jaw dropping elements of that mission.

The way shit loops around and how huge areas are incredibly well hidden makes my head spin. I'm suffering from analysis paralysis in terms of where to even keep exploring.

Malenia has been beaten by 35% of Steam players, that's mind blowing to me.

You can get physik crystal tear that completely makes you impervious to it.

Yeah, the first time I beat Gwyn I didn't know you could parry him at all. So just dodge rolls and Baemore were enough, considering even without parrying he's not harder than say Manus.

Necro does % based damage and reduces health regen in an area, two things high HP heroes hate. He can also buy a lot of items that make him very tanky in his own right. So just by existing near them he's chunking them down.

Yeah, after Tukkayid Diamond Shark went “well, honor doesn’t pay the bills. So fuck it.”

Base game is pretty limited in terms of what you can do, with Mods you can absolutely break stuff, right up until you hit the end game modded missions/enemies. Then the OpFor also gets access to all those toys.

Nobody, and I mean nobody can take that title from the Piranha.

You got it backwards, the Inner sphere calls it mad cat because their shitty targeting computers couldn't decide if it was looking at a marauder or a catapult. Timberwolf is what the Clans who built it named it. The OP posted the Mark 2 variant, which was built after the invasion by a clan that just wanted to sell it for phat stacks, so they chose the IS name for it literally for marketing purposes. It's still a fucking beast of a mech and one of my favorite assault mechs.

A sports "car" that weighs twenty fucking tons.