I fucking love that album, that you sm

So the idea is since the send adds the same effect to multiple tracks, there's less conflicting effects overall? Would the muddiness be any different if I had multiple of the exact same effect on different inserts?

What is the difference between inserts and sends?

what did you use for the ad video?

I guess it's a preference thing, but I guess I meant more yelling lol.

Well mixed, it's sounding good. Your voice is nice too Maybe it could use more energy in the later half, but I think you did a good job with it overall. The guitars are mixed especially well. I'm curious as to what daw you used?

I like the energy, and the synths are a nice distinguishing touch They sound a tiny bit dinky later on in the track and could use some more power imo (at least the synth lead) but the mixing sounds good, and it's a fun track for sure

I like the guitar riff, and your voice is nice the auto tune is a good blend. I think the guitar could be turned up quite a bit, and sometimes your voice cuts off. The snapping is mixed a bit too loud imo as well. Could use a bit of polishing when it comes to mixing but I like it so far

This is great I like the complexity of the beat, there's lots of little details with the 808s and drum tracks, it's clear a lot of time went into those I like the dynamics of the instruments as well . The mix sounds good to me.

What daw did you use for this?

It's an interesting blend, I also like the visuals you used. I haven't heard "I'll find a way" but it fits nicely with the Tyler track. I enjoy the atmosphere, but sometimes Tyler's voice is mixed a bit low imo. Overall it's v impressive What program did you use for this?

I like the guitar layering a lot on this one, the vocals could use a little more power imo. Maybe some more distortion on the guitar? But that's just a taste thing I'm curious how you recorded the drums

Good job

What kind of structure suggestions do you recommend?

I like this, production sounds clean but the drums sound very midi imo l, but that can be fixed. I like the refrain at the end l, maybe the vocals are a bit loud too but that's just a preference thing

Overall I like it, it's very classic folk. You should project your voice more tho imo Good stuff

Yo thiis sounds sick. I like the progression, I like the riffs too. But it ends maybe a little abruptly imo.