No, the problem is that he wanted a position similar to that of the US from the get go, and also a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe

And the Russians can respond in kind if they want

Article 5 lets countries decide how they answer to an attack. A decision could very well be sanctions, strong worded letter, etc

Dacă nu ii batem, trebuie obligatoriu iesit cu masinile sa acceleram incalzirea globală ca sa topim ghetarii si sa ii scufundam pe arogantii astia

Also, the moment the EU starts kicking members out, it loses its power, its influence, etc. You had something similar in economy, with General Electric in the 80s, I think. You start selling unprofitable elements, and you lose your market share, your domination in industry, etc. And those unprofitable elements can be made profitable by others

They track them down and take them back, but if they did no damage and no felonies while escaping, they don't get suplimentary prison time

It also didn't have de facto control over them, this take is almost fake and a major simplification

pro-Romanian imperialism

A troublesome development, I may say. Is someone competent finally in charge of the warchest?

I think the photo is from WW1 since during the Second Balkan War, there were no Romanian casualties(excluding deaths to cholera) or PoWs recorded and almost no fighting between romanians and bulgarians

:RoTroll: good romanian (impossible)

Felt bad, will transfer a patriot system

It is the fourth since Ukraine used to number Moldovans and Romanians as separate minorities, till last year

My grandparents bought their apartment in the early 70s in a better part of the city and paid for a credit for the next 20 years(it wasn't that much, though). After 89, everyone bought their apartments for almost nothing, so you could say it wasn't a very good business.

One big problem with Taiwan is that it doesn't consider itself as Taiwan, but as the Republic of China and it still claims, at least on paper, to be the righteous regime in China

Taken at the Flood is possibly one of my favourite novels since it shows perfectly the life in England after WW2, and it also shows that Poirot sometimes decides that not everyone that committed murder is a criminal. People think that the ending is cringey and misogynistic, and some even said that it was added later, but, as far as I know, the ending was selected before the plot was completely finished.

You do know that the wording of article 5 is as vague as possible:

"The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security"

Such action ai it deems.s necessary - can be both military intervention or a strong worded letter

And the Soviets went with an overcomplicated plan, just after the Purges, in order to show everyone that they could pull something like the germans did in Poland.

pro-Romanian imperialism

Well, I think the main problem is how dangerous and bad and corrupt Chechnya was, especially after the first war(the first war changed a lot). And the way this country(region, since it was never recognised) functioned stopped the international community from supporting it. It was filled up with infighting, a good chunk of their economy was generated from kidnapping people and asking for ransoms, it was an extremist islamist state harboring terrorists that wanted to impose the Sharia law to the whole north Caucasus. And, after all, they invaded dagestan(not them, but extremists led by Basayev and al-Kattab).

Excluding some muslim and some eastern european countries that didn't like Russia, Chechnya wasn't supported internationaly and it was hoped that it will remain a part of Russia and that the problems would end, somehow. And they ended through a brutal war.

At that time, Russia was viewed as a future Western alligned country and should remain a stabile power in the region (fun fact, some in the US andministration wanted to keep a friendly USSR united, in the late 1980s and early 1990s)

pro-Romanian imperialism

At least you will play Fallout, it's an optimistic game. Some of us will have to play Metro

pro-Romanian imperialism

I mean, people play War Thunder or Atomic Heart or Il-2 or Escape from Tarkov or DCS or World of Tanks or Tetris

pro-Romanian imperialism

Kharkiv is a city of 1.4 million people. The Russians attacked with, how many, 50k, maybe? The population could just beat them with sticks, rocks, Molotov cocktails and ShOvElS.

I think the Russians never wanted to take the city(at least after the first two weeks of the war, that was stupid) but to put the Ukrainian Army under more pressure, having a new front that requires reinforcements, ammo supplies and equipment relocated from the rear or other fronts. And the Russians have both numerical and technical superiority(maybe) and air support.

Maybe they would have wanted to advance further, maybe they suffer much more casualties than they have hoped, idk. On thing is certain, though, it puts more pressure on Ukraine and at some point, some parts of the front might collapse (i.e. the Avdiivka situation, not WW2 10s km deep advances). And the papers in the West would do much more harm than the breakthrough.

Armenia is in a bad position. Russia can't effectively protect it against its enemies, at the moment. And Azerbaijan has the West on its side. NATO would never support Armenia against either Azerbaijan or Turkey, its enemies.

HoS is more or less a 10 hours gothic horror novel set in the Witcher universe

BnW could have been a whole new game in the series(if it would have been made by EA or Bethesda)