FF7 compilation spoilers below

Topics like have been discussed to death by now imo.

As someone who is a major FF7 fan and found Rebirth to be one of the best games I’ve played in a decade, I’ll still always find something and wish they did it slightly different.

What minor, nitpick thoughts do you have?

  • Beagle/main world Marlene and Elmyra are MIA in Rebirth. Sure, you see Elmyra briefly in Glenn’s speech scene, and Zack’s Marlene has Remake Marlene’s memories, but you never get one proper scene with them. I’m glad Cait didn’t kidnap them this time, but you’d think we’d get at least one scene with them back in our Midgar or something.

  • A smidge disappointed no one seemingly thought of Elmyra after Aerith died. I get that they can’t just get her on the phone to tell her what happened, and they have more pressing priorities (in-story and endgame story work to do at the end of Rebirth). I just hope in part 3 we get a proper scene of her learning about Aerith’s death vs. Reeve’s off-screen delivery of that info in OG.

  • Barret not getting a proper beach outfit but reusing his sailor outfit came across as… odd? I get that the real-world explanation is probably that they didn’t want a shirtless Barret to upstage Cloud in the beach segment, but still.

  • Speaking of beach Cloud… why doesn’t shirtless Cloud have a scar in his chest from the real Nibelheim incident conclusion? The handwave story explanation is probably that his years in the mako tank afterwards fully healed that, but I still think it was either an oversight or they just didn’t want that serious story beat getting in the way of the beach segment.

  • I’m tired of just Cloud-related shipping… feed us more shipping options for the other characters. Barret’s been a widower for years now - time for him to move on. Rhonda is a single parent too. Or maybe Elmyra? They should have more directly mentioned Deneh in Cosmo Canyon for Red vs. a small visual reference, especially given what Red’s ending will be based on OG. Heck, canonize Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV too while you’re at it. Does Reeve have a will they/won’t they with his assistant? She has popped up twice now, making her a reoccurring character I guess. Can Yuffie get an age-appropriate ship too, please?

  • Lastly, Zack’s parents. In OG I thought it was a glaring oversight that Cloud couldn’t give them closure after he recalls the truth in the Shinra mansion. In Rebirth Cloud doesn’t know the full truth yet, but he knows the main point in that his SOLDER friend Zack died in the line of duty. Really wish there was an optional scene after the Nibelheim region where Cloud starts to tell Zack’s parents what he believes to be true, only for Tifa to stop him and they get into a fight about it. As it is in Rebirth, players once again can revisit Zack’s parents and the party keeps knowledge about him to themselves.