I drink anywhere between 2 to 4 cups a day. Most of the times it'll be 3. Depending on if my partner is home as well we van drink up go 6 cups together. So close enough to 500 grams if that's the case.

Every 6 or so weeks I place a large order with coffeedesk for about 100 eur to get that free shipping in. Occasionally buy from local roasters as well if I see something interesting, but sadly they would be more expensive generally speaking.

Filters are being bought on when we require them.

The occasional new coffee toy gets bought but they are mostly reserved for birthdays and Christmas. I'm happy as is with a kalita, V60, aeropress (though these need some new plunger due to ending up in the dishwaser and now just tasting like soap), clever drip, French press and moccapot. I have been eyeing up the ceado hoop and aeropress xl, but they'll be a thing when they will be a thing.

You could hang a hot link from that.

Finland is on my to do list. Taiga looks wild!

Alton Towers is absolutely amazing. Just be prepared to walk a lot as the park is massive.

Hah, appreciate the comment. Never thought I'd hear someone say that.

Several on my list actually.

Gonna go back to Djurs Sommerland, probably my favorite park in Denmark despite lacking a good inverting coaster.

In September I got a trip planned for a couple of parks. Walibi Belgium, Plopsaland De Panne, Toverland, Bobbejaandland, Toverland and Phantasialand.

Phantasialand is almost a yearly visit for us, can't wait to be back on Fly and Taron. Bobbejaanland I haven't been to for 20+ years. The others would all be first time visits. A lot of new credits to get in.

Cross pattern the membrane if cooking for people that aren't critics. You'll still have an easy bite that way and just less hassle.

I like putting just spg on the bottom and then whatever rub I fancy on the top. Leaves more room for the meat flavor to come through.

I went to the gig, being my first and only time seeing them. Sad that I ended up getting to see MaybeFx but it was an awesome show none the less. Apparently it takes 3 white people to replace a Mexican with guitar, trumpet and vocal duties all being covered by other people. And for those about to get salty, Mike literally made that joke himself.

Can't help but be a bit sad for not getting a chance to hear The Decline live due to the stand ins. But genuinely was a great gig.

So when you say beer. Is it more craft/quality brewery or just whatever version of Heiniken you can get your hands on?

And the whiskey, which is it that you gravitate to?

While it shouldn't matter on paper I tend to feel, plausible placebo, that the hangover effects are less if it isn't some mass produced beer.

I'm fine when hovering around 80 proof whiskey myself when it comes to hangovers but I have a taste for higher proof. For some reason those hit me harder the following morning. All very situational obviously but it hadls been a repeat pattern.


Set Flames by Author and Punisher.

Not deathcore at all but man is that song a pure sonic nightmare.

And seeing Sleep live at Roadburn may be the heaviest live experience I've ever had. Numerous people, including myself, felt that it was difficult to remain standing up. 8 old school Sunn and ampeg amps on stage. Unbelievable from a sonic pov.

Make it an event thing? And prepare for when it's not as enjoyable as one would have hoped. Ask for everybody to bring their own version of an old fashioned.

Hope you managed to snag a back seat ride on this one. The air time is bonkers, depending on the break man obviously

I have none but I would drink it in good company or when feeling like I want a whiskey but don't know what I want. The horrible case of "being spoiled for choice".

But honestly, I would mostly want to share that with people that appreciate whiskey as well. Just cause it'll be, hopefully, unique.

The bottle I love, the stones not so much. But to each their own.

This was my fist bottle of bourbon that I truly enjoyed as a sipper. Took me several bottles to get there. I think it's a great value bottle as well. So I applaud you for getting this one as your first bottle!

I really enjoy going for walks around Bidstrup Skovene, just north of Ringsted. Plenty of trails to follow. Fairly removed from roads as well so you may be fortunate and not hear any cars nearby.

Different whiskeys for different occasions. Proof alone does not make a good whiskey!

Different whiskeys for different occasions. Proof alone does not make a good whiskey!

Dooo iiiiit. Don't pay attention to my user name.

Knappogue Castle 12 at 40 is an absolute steal. The bottle will cost you double that in Ireland!

Not deathcore, Katatonia.

Came here to mention Yuth Forever. Their final album is just a head trip around mental illness.

Still wish they would have continued after that master piece.

Trying to find a song from the GTA V soundtrack.GTA 5

So I've been trying to find this song based on all the radio stations and their info but can't find it. It'll be a challenge to describe it for me but it was a laid back electronic style song. The opening started with a very twangy with a lot of reverb guitar.

It's been bugging me for a week or 2 now and I don't have a copy of the game anymore. Yeah... Shocking with all those sales. Could even be one of the removed songs.
