Bye bye Americrap pie makes my blood boil and spunk in the sky . The only reason I would want to be rich is I would by up those records,tapes,master recording tape, royalties and trademarks , anything in referenced to these disgusting songs and burn them.

We surfers in the sixties would use bro or brah and " ride on brother " I dont know how it became use in other groups dude

I love hearing Oh Canada a better tune than bursting bombs etc. I too root for most Canadian teams except the Oilers, Flames, Canucks. Me a native of Los Angeles a 44 yr hockey fan.

See a professional for your problems. I was molested while younger and I had many of your symptoms. Or you could be a massive pain in the arse. Hope not

Do not hate yourself for any reason. We are hard wired to hide the abuse and shame internally. Examples of my fears are the Catholic Church, Mormons, traitor trump, hate proponents, scientology, baptists, TV preachers, fox news, flash floods, earthquakes, heart attack, water heater explosion. WTF no wonder i get high

I have all kinds of useless addictions. Opiates, alcohol, pain pills, food, gambling ,ptsd too. I only use indica Marijuana all the time . If you don't like it then don't do it. A true friend doesn't care if you get high or not

Sorry about the hidden fears and the effects of your trauma floating around after smoking cannabis. I still think I'm doing something wrong when smoking pot. All the tripe written about the weed is just that. Tripe. If you didn't like it then don't do it. Oh by the way your friends and family are just as mis informed as everyone else. It's not a federal crime. Oh it is a federal offense still. Like I said misinformation runs rampant.

Gordie Howe and Mark Howe playing in LA

Clean hit the defense player had no idea the offense player would drop his head in an attempt to accelerate damn ruff game eh?

First don't use alcohol and pills for courage. It won't do any good. Trust me. Bars are questionable. All the old clichés are sensible libraries, church, gyms, walking a pooch, not walking a pooch, fishing, surfing, painting, become a pilot. How about being first to step on mars!

Clean check and glad it wasn't me. Hospital stays aren't cheap

Have a witness and speak with her. Tell her sternly the unwanted attention stops now or legal action may transpire.

He's a pro hockey player, they don't sip tea between shifts.

In a city like LA you have OJ (see glove don't fit) riots after 4 white cops beat the crap out of one more black man. The displaced family's from Chavez Ravine the Lakers playing in Cal State LA gym. I see no worth in non celebrity made up useless dribble