I used to have a lot of friends when I was younger. I never went out and was the indoor type kid. I used to watch movies, play games and do everything indoors. I barely got out. But whenever I went to school or at functions, it was easy for me to interact and be social however now, it's hard. Whenever I make friends with someone, I lose their friendship after some time. The main problem is not making friends but retaining them. I feel like I have to fake my personality, smile a lot and make jokes even when I don't want to. I feel like I should be alone all the time but at the same time wants friends. Whenever I make friends and hang out with them, my brain tells me that I am fake and I'm just acting to become their friend and that when I am myself, they will ignore you. I think it's because of overthinking. Because of this I can't make any friends.

Any friendly and serious advice from you guys? It would help me out a lot.