Once someone said he was in the army, so I said I would give him the discount if he could sing the army song. Just one verse. He couldn't. So sad.

Get a vpn or two going and you will be quite hard to track.

You can also get a raspberry pi computer going and maintain the Facebook page off of free Wi-Fi.

No, he's just unhinged. I started off wanting to like him, but he just lets himself go in the most unsettling ways.

Without the large number of WW1 soldiers marching on Congress, Marines wouldn't have much of their veteran's benefits.

Why not make a page dedicated to a similarly named sheriff and a similarly named county in Alabama, and have him do all the exact same things the current sheriff does. But make him a slovenly, bowsy, terrible misanthrope, with some other unsavory characteristics.

Do it, record constantly, then go public after you get trespassed. Send it to the news.

Because the alternative is letting a dangerous asshole continue to terrorize a community and enable his minions ditto. This is how we keep democracy - mockery of tyranny and shining lights into dark places.

If you read James Joyce's Dubliners, you'll see how colonialism produces a paralysis that binds people in multiple ways. The fear and trauma become deep-seated. Why the hell should we let the specter of brutality, violence, and torture that Irish, Indians, and all colonized people haunt our doors?

Set your thermostat low at midnight. It's usually cheaper that way, and you get a headstart to your cooling.

Anyone got gay Landry deep fakes?

... asking for a friend

Youtube has all sorts of videos of Americans walking around in Rome. Why not just find a bunch of them, turn them on the TV through streaming, and make him watch them with you? Find whatever food is his favorite and put it there. Don't let this opportunity pass.

I've traveled all over though. California, Texas, Colorado, Chicago, etc. It's the same for all the places I've been. I ask around and people don't know their neighbors. People commuting everywhere and don't make friends on their commute in trains because no trains. No community participation. These articles reflect my personal experience that I've seen and experienced. Even in large cities, cars have changed how people find friends.

According to data HUD and Census collected in the 2017 American Housing Survey (AHS), 52 percent of U.S. households describe their neighborhood as suburban, 27 percent describe their neighborhood as urban, and 21 percent describe their neighborhood as rural.

If most suburbs are similarly isolating, as I've seen in my travels, then 51% (a majority of Americans) live in spaces built to isolate them. Also to force car-dependency.

Having also lived in rural America too, I have also experienced the isolation of living in the sticks as well. There's a well-publicized loneliness epidemic of American farmers and rural Americans.

Based on these numbers and reports, I don't see that my experiences and reports received from others are abnormal or peculiar.

I've also had people from outside the country tell me the same.

Based on all of this, I'd say that the statement of communities not being built for communal living in the US isn't generalizing.







I'm really glad that you've had that experience. I've been stuck in the suburban South most of my life. One of the largest growing cities in the Southeast us, Atlanta where I live, is nothing but car-centric suburbs. If you could direct us all to these walkable places you've lived, that would be really neat.

Most guys from Mexico I have met here feel a sense of loneliness. I took there that seriously, because they have a strong sense of family and community, and I'm the frog in the water getting heated up.

A problem with today's American society that it's not constructed to encourage community life. No front porches, everyone is doing their own thing, can't even walk to a bar and back. Hell, can't even walk without getting run over.

I couldn't hear it on just my phone, but with my headphones on, I could. The headphones have a much higher Max frequency. The sound was a high frequency pulsing.

I already knew my hearing is good because it's tested frequently because I'm a pilot. They make me go through high-pitched tests.

Get a lawyer. You probably should start getting whiteness statements, but ask your lawyer first. But FIRST, get off of here and delete this post.

Did you ever consider turning it into a worker cooperative? If so, why didn't you?

Slave labor for the wares. The workers' wages are stolen from them. So of course it's cheap enough for you. You're robbing yourself too by helping the crooks who run Walmart, Target, etc. (all union busters). They contribute to poverty in the area, therefore crime too. They don't pay enough for people to eat, so they need food stamps. Their government subsided low prices keep out competition.

You're robbing Peter to pay Paul, and are part of the problem.