…and the best thing I could think of was to use the opportunity to my advantage to make a TikTok.

That’s the “I’ll lick the shit off Trumps dick after he’s done fucking everyone in the ass” pose which is a perfect representation of his followers.

While I know that’s a joke, there are some women who will benefit from being left on read because then they get to enjoy the “why hasn’t he written back?” anxiety/drama they often mistake for love. Gives them something to talk about with their girlfriends and be the center of their friendgroup’s attentions and affirmations.

Smoke a shit ton of weed before getting on the flight and also bring some edibles in case it’s really long. Weed coma the whole way.

If you didn’t even notice during the first slice, seems like it doesn’t matter.

Crouching Bunny, Hidden Rabbit.

So this implies that the dish washer should be in the bathroom instead?

Yup, finally saw the long German TV version of this on Amazon. Even after having seen the movie versions many times, this version still added more depth. Wasn’t padded at all.

It means what it says. As one James Bond villain said, “There’s no news like bad news.” If you watch the news or read social media feeds, you’re just going to be drowning yourself in horrible stories, statistics, and other things to make you scared, sad, and depressed, not the happy stories of love and relationship success.

If you take those thoughts with you as you then look around the real world, you’ll also be scared, sad, and depressed. “To a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” so to speak. In other words, if news and statistics make you believe modern dating is horrible, scary, or dangerous, you’ll be viewing it all through that filter. You’ll project it onto everything other people say and do, thus misrepresenting their intentions.

We need to turn that stuff off, take off those glasses that are distorting reality, and realize that most people are actually just normal and in the same predicament as the rest of us. Not to say there aren’t bad apples out there, but they’re far fewer than we’ve been led to believe because only the bad apples get the media attention, thus skewing our perceptions of reality.

That’s my 2 cents anyway…

Oh, sure. Let me get right on that:

“Hey Siri, free Congo.”