Sounds to me like you hooked up with him by proxy. Good get bro!

Chappel Roan fucking rules, but Midwest Princess did come out last year if we're being picky.

The Last Dinner Party might be up your alley

One of the few bands where you're asking if they'll play songs from when there was a different drummer. Just about every other band you wouldn't even think to ask.

Check out this big playlist someone made. Original song followed by the song that sampled it.

Looks like it's been updated since I last saw it, with the newly added songs at the end.

For anyone's reference, $35 in 1994 is worth about $73 in 2024 and that $20 T-shirt would cost $42 now.

Brain Stew is the first one I learned. Almost feels like you could play all the instruments at once 😅

They only signed him to two different 10 day contracts this month. Not really IN the league, per se.

Related question: my cap doesn't seem to screw on completely, just a little turn and it stops. There's slight holes where it looks like it should twist on more, but no go. Is this how they normally fit?

People like you make me sick. You want to help our young get educated and improve our transportation infrastructure? Disgusting.

Is there somewhere I can find a list of the best games to watch each day/week?

I am a casual basketball fan and just want something to tell me what the best matchups are each week. Is just looking at standings and watching games of the top teams the best option?

Fjfksllaldjfks this album is just so damn good!! I couldn't believe how many year-end lists didn't even mention it! I thought it would be a smash hit and they'd be huge.

:sea2: Seattle Mariners

Was it not pine tar (or other stickiness) on his chest protector to do essentially exactly what it did? I assumed it was to keep wild dirt balls closer to him because they sorta stick to the sticky pad and don't bounce away as far. But this time it really stuck.

Some uppity lady I know swears it is pronounced "rho-sewers" because that's how you'd say it in whatever country she claims the name comes from. I think that's silly.

Oh shit, you can do it in Ableton? I'm still a newbie and will have to look into this.

Just as many riffs and melodies as the other band!

If I want a grinder that I can just twist a knob and push a button to get the perfect grind size for various brew methods (V60, AeroPress, French Press, plain drip), what am I looking for? I don't have anything near this ability now, just a spice grinder I've been struggling to get any sort of consistency with.

I was looking at the $80-120 range the other day and wonder if that's the right idea (Baratza Encore is talked about all over, and Bodum Bistro had some good things too)