OP answer this one question; how tf do you shove any of that in your mouth at one time? Does your jaw unhinge?

I suppose that's all one can do in this hellish world. Thanks for humoring me.

You're implying that no one else is "doing my(their) part". Define part of what in particular.

Your existence has no benefit. One of many meat bags. Do you matter in any meaningful way?

Haircut recently and I'm going to shave my beard this weekend so most of my new coworkers are going to lose it, come Monday.

Like floating in the mind and being incredibly heavy physically all at once.

Non-human or far enough away evolutionarily to be considered non-human.

Orange. 1 brain cell that occasionally lets a thought exist.

2 old men beating each other with their walkers for eternity. It's wonderful

Depends on if you like sleeping in the rain or not.

The war horn is their equivalent of "dinner's ready!".

Important question; does she work as well?