So what actually is the age of dark, if we choose not to link the flame? Does that just mean the age of humanity? I always thought it was like, a heat death of the world lol. Like there’s no light and everything dies.

Yeah, it’s three parries per riposte. Similar to parrying Margit/Morgott or Malenia

Yup. Genocide should be a hard line. I won’t vote for a candidate who is actively supporting a genocide. It’s that simple.

If Trump wins on a thin margin, don’t blame me for voting third party. Blame the Democratic party for campaigning on genocide.

Definitely. It wasn’t a problem to dodge with that build. Just pointing out that she can spam it

Parrying with misericorde and crit talismans worked really well for me and was actually sorta fun. GL dude, you got this

A lot of people like these games because the bosses seem really hard at first, but are designed so precisely that once you learn them you can beat them using any mechanics you want, with any number of handicaps, without even getting hit. The final boss does not seem to meet that description. He has some unavoidable attacks, unless you pick some optional dodge enhancements.

That’s not even getting into how hard it is just to see what’s happening

She actually does spam waterfowl if you’re spamming ranged attacks at her. My pyromancer run would regularly get 3 or 4 waterfowl’s back to back.

I was gonna parody it with diarrhea and piss, but throwing up is already so ridiculous. It’s beyond parody

I really liked it since I was going to explore every nook and cranny anyway, but it does deter me from replaying it with a new character

Good thing you’re playing as a shinobi and not a samurai ;D

I agree, but a lot of it looked very samey, so it was easy to get lost

They should have given us a bell bearing to buy both after killing Bayle

That’s great for a first playthrough, but subsequent playthroughs will be a slog

This is so ignorant. Native Americans were not “the same group of people”. Read up on precolumbian American history and then come back here.

Romans expelling the Jews was literally ancient history. Hundreds of thousands of people your grandma’s age had their homes and land stolen from them. Had their entire lives uprooted. And Israel is continuing to steal homes and land by expanding into the West Bank.

That misrepresents it a bit. Most people should work out, and have muscle. BMI is designed for most people.

Muscle mass only enters the conversation if you’re talking like, elite athlete or bodybuilder. But even then, large amounts of muscle mass isn’t healthy either. It’s a lot of extra strain on the heart.

Probably not obesity, but it’s hard to say since the photo is so zoomed in. Obesity might be lower than you think though. Google pictures of 30 BMI bodies for reference. If you’re American like me, over 40% of us are obese.

I’d say more than somewhat tbh. Amicably splitting is the best end for a lot of relationships. Nothing lasts forever. People need to calibrate their expectations better.