Gaara's sand is a very effective defense against amaterasu since unlike Bee it's not a part of his body. I think more likely than not Sasuke ends up draining his chakra using amaterasu and dies to Gaara.

He might, but it's hard to plan for that since it's such a random event. I just think the odds aren't in his favor but still possible.

No he didn't. Kakashi only starts coming to that conclusion once he teleports the kunai aimed at Naruto, which strikes Obito's mask. He only knows for sure when the rasengan he teleports hits Obito's shoulder.

Assuming they don't start with the Intel about kamui then I think Obito wins. If they do then I'm sure they think of something they get too exhausted. 

Minato can certainly avoid being hit by Sakura with ftg, but I think in a battle of attrition Minato is going to be the one to run dry first.

Is this part 1 Tsunade (as shown in the picture)? If so then I would put Hiruzen over a rusty Tsunade. If we're also counting part 2 then Hiruzen might not be able to last long enough to defeat Tsunade with all the healing she has. I think at worst Hiruzen ties this with reaper death seal.

Assuming we're not giving Minato any seals he created previously then I think Kisame would win this. If we do then Minato can just teleport back onto land which gives the edge to him (assuming the fight moves with him and doesn't just enter a stalemate).

The duo win this pretty solidly. If kagutsuchi allows Sasuke to control amaterasu that Itachi creates then I think this fight isn't even close. Sage mode Naruto can fight perfectly fine without looking at Itachi's eyes and has a jutsu that will kill Itachi if it hits. Sasuke's eyes are even better at perceiving things than Itachi's (based on what Madara said about Sasuke's eyes), his susanoo has an arrow attack that is notably hard to dodge, and Itachi only ability that can kill Sasuke is his totsuka blade. In this fight Itachi basically has to keep susanoo up at all times to prevent Sasuke from just killing him with amaterasu, while Sasuke and Naruto are free to rain down attacks to chip away at Itachi's sick body (it's not as bad in part 1 but he's still sick). Part 1 Itachi was noticeably tired after using his MS 3 times, I just don't see him having stamina to win this.

Naruto should be faster and hit harder than Minato, but I think ftg is such a powerful jutsu to have so I'm going with Minato. It's not unwinnable for Naruto, but I just think Minato has the edge.

Edo Madara didn't even make it past edo Hashirama. I think this is Madara being way too overconfident in himself, thinking he could beat both Hashirama and Obito in 15 mins.

With Koto allowed there's no reason why he couldn't beat all of them (assuming these aren't back to back fights). Without it he probably stops at Hashirama since we haven't seen any sealing jutsu from him.

Koto is very overpowered in a 1v1 so I'd give it to Shisui. Without counting his MS it's hard for me to rank him above Konan since hes kinda featless.

I don't why your trying to up Itachi's stamina when he was stated to be on his death bed during his battle against Sasuke. He was a walking corpse kept together only by drugs and his will to die in front of Sasuke to complete his goal. He was able to keep the fighting going so long only because he was okay with running his body into the ground since he knew he was going to die in said battle. Itachi did well to hold on for as long as he did but shortly after his goals were met he died.

Itachi ran himself into the ground to last that whole fight, which I wouldn't really count as stamina. The toll his MS abilities took on him was massive and he ended up barely even being able to maintain susanoo at the end. It just can't be compared to Sasuke who can fight an entire battle with susanoo up while also launching amaterasu on top of it. Itachi is a better fight than MS Sasuke but it's not due to having better stamina.

Assuming Sasuke doesn't get a heal from Karin then Ay probably kills him. Still he would die shortly afterward due to being covered in amaterasu so it would be more of a double ko.

What version of Madara are we talking about? If it's edo (as shown in the picture) then Hashirama should be able to deal with Madara at moderate difficulty, which leaves Tobirama to stall Obito. I actually think the hokages win here since Hashirama should be decently above everyone else here.

Besides a surprise ftg reaper death seal, I don't see any way Minato could win this. Even with reaper death seal you have to hope Madara has no clones out that could stop it and then win the tug of souls to get a tie.

Wouldn't you need sage mode to even do damage to him? Also "Prime. When fought his moms" is confusing since he got stronger after that fight by becoming a jinchuriki.

I also don't think it's Nayuta, but you never know when it comes to Fujimoto.

Whats the point of a stat that is individualistic? Like why is Itachi's stamina a 2 when it's only going to get worse the longer he lives. There has to be something they're bring compared to or else characters would have all 5s at their peaks.

This is just what happened to Crocodile after he got in a fight with Vista.

Disagree, sick Itachi would have never been able to spam the MS as much as Sasuke did. The databooks gave even part 1 Sasuke a higher stamina rating then Itachi, though I'm not the biggest fan of the databooks so I don't mind not counting it. Itachi is efficient which allows him to last decently long in a fight, but when he has to use his MS you can really see the toll it takes on him which can be directly compared to Sasuke's own usage.

If only Welt could recreate fenghuang down, then the similarities would start getting spooky.

Probably around the sanin but below Itachi and Pain. He's still very fast and hits really hard but he definitely loses a lot of his options in a fight.

Minato was exhausted so maybe he didn't have the strength left to grab Naruto and move out of the way in time.