Look, any alien species advanced enough to develop space travel and dumb enough to listen to me sounds like they'd be easy to conquer

Be sure to bring your monocle.

You don't have to wear it, but you have to have it on you.

I don't make the rules.

Better hurry, Diana Ross and Cindy Birdsong are the only Supremes left.

Technically I believe it's King Biden now, thank you very much.

What's the moderate version of "anyone I don't like is a pedophile demon in the employ of the literal Christian devil."

Any man who can push a turd through a pair of wranglers with nothing more than the raw, god-given power of his own mighty asshole is a true king among us.

I've been commenting on the internet for decades and I don't know shit about fuck.

I don't think you're gonna get the appreciation you deserve for this terrible joke, but you have mine.

Turns out pianos become surprisingly affordable if you're willing to move them

Lincoln Park

They're just mildly dickish protecting nests.  You'll be ok.  

Edit:  I hope.

Nah nah.

See, Christie is going to ultimately pour that bag of M & M's in to a second, larger bag of M &M's which is...himself 

Christian Honk is a main character in my clown-themed 50 Shades of Gray fanfic