I only recently changed to only using 1* heroes to power up 3star heroes. That way they have a higher chance of getting to 8/8 before they get maxed. I normally get to the 8/8 before the max lvl but 3 star costumes always fall short

Hello u/No-Detail-7595 I just wanted to let u know I crossed the border yesterday and got no fines. I knew you would want to hear about it. Just under 40 days. And they for some reason let me back in. I guess I’m not doing anything wrong… huh?😂😂😂

I’m thinking of making a post titled “A response to: “Response to: “a response about post marrying zaniya”””

I disagree on getting rid of the rule about the middle finger. I enjoy being somewhere where everyone can’t just insult people constantly. I’m from the USA and there are basically no restrictions on what you say to people. People have now made it a way of like to insult and curse people and it’s really nice to be away from that. I think the UAE has it right on this rule

I doubt it. In USA tons of people are texting while driving. There are no cameras that identify that and ticket people so there is less reason to be concerned about getting in trouble. I would be driving and the person next to me is having a whole texting conversation or scrolling through Facebook. And it wasn’t at all a rare thing. You see it every time you drive anywhere. I would imagine anywhere that doesn’t have camera enforcement has a higher amount of texting and driving.

Send a message and say “no returns”. And then block him

The top few convos under this are really weird to read. Dudes arguing about hymens

Are you currently having another psychotic episode?

So when you say you don’t know how much you will get, can the amount be different or do they just not tell you even though it’s always the same amount?

Theres an arab lady named Nancy?

I wasn’t here then. Didn’t here about it

It’s been illegal for several years now. Not sure if people had to get rid of ones they already owned though

No they can’t. It’s illegal. It’s been the law several years now

Fake gold jewelry is imitating non believers and trying to make people think you are wearing gold. I’m not sure on if it’s actually haram but it is not good at the very least

Y do you want to wear gold so much, or appear that you are wearing gold?

Did you ask him if he’s a fed?

Don’t waste it. It’s not expired yet… you have 2 more days

Will Smith had proper safety equipment and Tom Cruise didn’t?

That’s an unusually specific thing to make a bot for

That’s cause they all allowed access to contacts. That’s the annoying part with this stuff… everyone else agreed to give you info away before you were ever even on the app

“Only seems happy when he’s drinking.”

That sounds a lot like an American

I would say find a different country you can both agree on. If not… I see an unpleasant future.

I’m unsure what solution this is solving for me