The entire DLC is optional, you can just not play it if you don't want to.

Fromsoftware confirmed this is the only DLC for Elden Ring. Some leaks say that there were 2 planned but they decided to merge it into one DLC, but that's not confirmed and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Miquella and Malenia. Some people think it might be St. Trina, but I don't think so, Marika/Radagon and Miquella/Trina have never been adressed like that. It doesn't seem to make much sense to think of St. Trina here. Malenia makes perfect sense, both of their aflictions have haunted Miquella since forever, big part of his lore is that he was trying to "fix" them both.

I think Miquella was in fact trying to fix Godwyn's situation, be it bring back his soul, or grant him death so that he is no longer a souless body spreading across everything, damn he even got in the Land of Shadows. That doesn't mean he whishes for Godwyn to be his consort, both can be true at the same time. Failing at everything he ever attempted to fix is a part of Miquella's journey that few people seem to grasp. He failed at curing Malenia from the Scarlet Rot, he failed to cure himself from his ever youth curse, failed with with his goals at the haligtree, failed to fix Godwyn's situation.


I really would like to know if Radahn wanted this or not. If fells somewhat of a retcon. The only thing that teases this in the base game is Malenia's whispering something to Radahn, and that's not even in the game itselft but the trailers. And that could have been anything, and could have been changed at any time during development of the Game and the Expansion. If Radahn was not into it, it makes sense, he fought to his last breath against it. If he was, it's not really a satisfactory development to me. What was the vow? That they would go to war and if he loses he would then become Miquella's consort in an Age of Compassion? How can Freyja says that this suits Radahn because it would be an endless war and he would love that? How could there be any war, let alone an endless one, in an Age of Compassion where everyone is mind controlled by Miquella's Charm? Isn't the point of all this to prevent any war, fight, pain and suffering? Dosn't seem like Radahn's goal to me. And it doesn't make sense that Miquella wanting everlasting peace, would be in love with a man that loves war, wtf it makes no sense. Like people pointed out, Godwyn makes much more sense. Sure he is souless, not saying that he should come back. But it makes much more sense that Miquella would love Godwyn, rather than Radahn. Godwyn was a warrior as well but a much more compassionate one, even befriending enemies and avoinding battles if he could. Godwyn is much more in line with Miquellas desired Age of Compassion and evelasting peace than Radahn ever would. Besides that, Godwyn and Miquella connections are much more apparent in the base game.

I just don't get Godwin's death, everything points to Marika beying part of it.


Somethings just don't click to me. If Radahn's soul meeting an honourable end ended up in the shadow realm, why Miquella needed such a bizarre way to enter himself? Why leave the way open and call all the NPCs there? How can Freyja say endless war suits Radahn if they are bringing an age of compassion where every one is mind controlled, how could there be any war? Radahn and Malenia's fight seems really weird if Radahn's agreed to it all, even if his condition would be defeated in battle, it's just weird. Radahn seemed quite aligned with the Golden Order, admiring Radagon and Godfrey. Freyja says: "... which is fine by me" giving some vibes of something that's not desired but acceptable giving the current circunstances.

I think it's just a coincidence. I believe this would be the Elden Ring symbol during the Age of Dragons. The Age of Compassion of Miquella does not uses the Elden Ring as it's symbol, but rather the Circlet of Light

Rise Sunbreak has a free demo

Fair, I don't mind it too much as well. Was just curious about what people thought about this.

Is not present at all in World though, is it?


I would like to have the option to toggle it on/off, but like you, I wouldn't miss it significantly. But it would be nice to have, It would be on for me for sure.

Blood Splashes in WildsDiscussion

I guess that is fair to assume from the latest gameplay trailer that there will be no blood splashes from hitting monster in Wilds. Do most people want it back or not? Anyone still holding hope that it returns in some way?

Rise had voiced protagonist, albeit with no "real dialogue" (not sure about previous games beyond World). I don't really care either way, I just don't like the palico speaking in anything but cat noises. Sure they could always communicate with us, and we both undestood each other, but I don't think they need to speak human language, just like R2-D2 for example.

I have two characters, I've never deleted a character, and the one I created after is on top of the one I created first. How can this be?

Curious about this too. It was fine a few days ago, and now is empty.

Very typical among indie titles IMO, especially Synty assets.

Inside the Material you can have all sorts of parameters. Like Texture Parameter, or Vector Parameter for color. You can use the Vector Parameter to change colors by multiplying it and your texture. White would be ideal base color I believe. You can limit the color change of your texture by masking the vector to the location you want it to be able to change. You can then dynamically change the parameter using material instances or through code.