Wasn't there some study done that being raised in an urban environment increases your risk of psychopathy or mental disorders?

Wasn't there some study done that being raised in an urban environment increases your risk of psychopathy or mental disorders?

I don't know if the automotive equivalent of dressing like a clown and attending a night the opera is what I would call innovative but, you do you Musk.

You mean you're not? You are passing so hard in this picture.

Take it through a car wash and let me know if you feel the same way.

My ex would go out of her way to tell me how unattractive I was for having less education than her and how I just needed to go back to school when I was making like 4x more money than her. It's called projection, I believe.

"funnily enough" 🤦‍♂️

Yeah, the "bad" ones. I say that in quotes because no feelings are actually bad. There are just feelings we like and feelings we don't. They're all valid and they all give valuable information. You will need to sit with those uncomfortable feelings and accept them. I'm not saying to accept any negative dialog you have about yourself in relation to those feelings. That you should pump the breaks on. I'm saying if you have grief or sorrow or rage, you need to give yourself permission to feel those without judgement and to move through them in a constructive way. Let yourself grieve.

People who cheat don't feel bad. If they did, they wouldn't do it because they would anticipate the bad feelings that should accompany the massive betrayal of trust they're enacting.

You can't force yourself to heal any faster to move on and forgive her. You can and should harbor those feelings right now because they are there to protect you and to give you valuable information. I know you would love to simply forgive and forget, but you would not be best caring for yourself by doing that. Perhaps you can move to a place of indifference some day, but it won't be now and you're not a bad person for thst being the case. Betrayal hurts and it takes time to heal.

A warning before you get a DUI and you still got it. Man was trying to fuck up.

But you know, bonus points to the teacher for passive aggressively responding by underlining their words.

I always get asked why I'm not a fan of beaches and I'm like man, you did not grow up in Ohio did you.

That's rich, coming from the intellectual equivalent of legally blind.

Seriously, I am typically not a fan of child leashes but but if I was one guy looking after all these kids? Maaaaaaybe cut that guy a break.

When I have to justify to myself why I can't poop for a week because I chose to live by the cheese tray at the holiday get together, I will use this.