He'll make people like you seethe, which is more than the current government has done for me.

my city is an unlivable hellhole but at least there's ethnic food!

Toronto should be quarantined, then used a nuclear weapon test site

The issue is that the only way the liberal mps could force trudeau out is with a vote of non confidence, which would trigger an election, and most of these mps know they'll be losing their jobs come election season

Holy shit

This is even after the liberals had multiple cabinet ministers making stops there to help with the campaign in this riding

This is the end result of a useless legal system. When people cannot get justice through the state, they take matters into their own hands

When a ship is lost, it doesn’t count toward casualties

It actually does count towards casualties. However the manpower is removed from the manpower pool when the ship is deployed. If it is sunk it counts towards casualties in the war screen

It's simple really

If she says yes it's a proposal, if she says no it's a kidnapping

Damm I guess I have to start using guides now

After Paul Martin took over from Chretien the party changed their rules to make it impossible to remove a leader before an election

The debuffs you get in the early part of the war are insane as the soviets. Like in the base game I can easily hold against barb without losing a single tile, in Bice my front line and fallback lines immediately collapse.

I suspect that the soviet AI gets some hidden bonuses (or at least reduced penalties) when you play as Germany but I don't have any proof

The ADL was unironically created to clear the name of a wealthy factory owner who raped and murdered a young girl who worked for him. This was after he tried to frame a black guy for it but his lies were so obvious that not even the kkk bought it

R5: playing the mod black ice, the soviets just never stop pumping out units.

The historical experience of "surely that last encirclement has broken them, they can't recover from that" massive front wide counter-offensive