imagine a rope that long

the top part of the rope is holding up MILES of rope below it

there is no rope strong enough to hold that much weight

the rope can not support it's own weight and snaps

It adds a few powerful tools for the player to use

And it adds Mech Clusters

overall, pretty minimal change to the game. but psycasts can be wicked

too much feature bloat and i've been advised that everything VE is a performance problem

i just use Nutrient Paste Dispenser Command

or AutoNutrientPasteDispenser

. . .WITHOUT MODIFYING GAME SETTINGS, there is no way to guarantee survival from a single shot of any weapon that does large damage. . .

Spot the problem with what you just suggested

Good opinion from other factions is a consumable resource

You can call traders from the comms console if you are allied. This spends some goodwill, and gets you the trade caravans you want.

You can also call in friendly troop support, which if you treat any injured survivors will most likely get you back the goodwill that you spent to call them in

I did too originally, based only on the memes

But I don't really have an opinion either way on the subject

Kbity is kbity

I agree with you. You are right. There is a strong connection between what he did and what happened to him, that the writing overlooks

But I think the way that it was intended to be depicted was that Rudy's primary trauma stems from his experience being public humiliation rather than the literal fact that he was tied and assaulted. Rudy, at the barest of bare minimums, does not publicly humiliate them

Yeah, these are more concerning behaviors than him having been divorced at 19

Tynan used to do the math for this, way back before release.

For instance, plants were deliberately designed so that their output would have to be less than an amount that could be processed into chemfuel needed to run generators that would support the grow light. No escaping thermodynamics

But then he realized it's a game and that's dumb. So now you just feed a boomalope and it will fuel a couple gens easy

Without modifying game settings, there is no way to guarantee survival from a single shot of any weapon that does large damage (20+ normally)

Armor will only ever grant a CHANCE to stop a bullet. Even the best Cataphract helmet still has the possibility of a shot hitting your pawn in the brain for half damage. Still enough to kill

The Tough trait will go a long way here however, doubling the amount of damage a single attack needs to instantly kill. (40+) The Robust gene will also help. (27+) Combine them for best effect. (53 damage required)

it's quite the opposite

i no longer feel comfortable calling myself a gamer in public spaces because the image brought to mind by most people is not one i can identify with

Randy is the only one you can call out to on the Rim

Lying politicians have the advantage of being able to capitalize on making false promises. they will offer you anything you can dream of. if you just sign on the dotted line

being honest is much harder. if you manage to win, you have to keep your promises, or the next liar will take your place

there certainly are people who 'friendzone' others without explicitly informing them

one party thinks they have a great friend, the other thinks they are flirting

it's usually not deliberate, that typically gets called leading someone on

i lock horses in a room connected to a nutrient paste dispenser and freezer

if you feed the horses paste made from horses, they will eat less food than they generate

just add more horses as needed

it's a bit micro heavy feeding them every couple days, but it works

bonus if you get a fleshmass nucleus. just lock it in the freezer and it will keep the hoppers full. you might even be able to skip having a freezer altogether

there is quite a bit of tactical complexity that is possible, but untapped outside of arena battles

but yeah little in the way of strategic depth

lots of moments that could have had battlefield strategic consequences get undermined by mechanics that make it too easy to escape from poor choices

And now all the NTs call themselves gamers but play things completely unpalatable to me as a life long gamer

levers aren't meant to be turned

Bodily fluids, fluid bodies

what's the difference?