Olli missed the joke. The last Lock on the subs is Gare Loch.

You missed the best one 'Gritsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Anti-Slip Machiney'

In the meantime I'm calling him Kroombo original oc no steal.


Don't target the unit run him by himself and just target him.

Kroot may now have one of the most obnoxious assassins in the game.40k Rules

Kroot war shaper has a d3+1 s4 d2 shot gun with assault, heavy and anti infantry 3+. He also has a rule that you can use a battle strat once per turn on his unit for 0cp even if it has already been used. Kroot carved weapons gives his weapons precision and devastating wounds. The join the hunt strat to bring back a kroot unit is a battle tactic. We now have an infiltrating stealth 5+ inven dude with +1 to hit wounded units, tiny base so is hard to screen and if you kill them we just make a nw one. Seems good.

If you were in the cabinet, what ministerial role would you like excluding prime minister.

Jokes on you. I'm an engineer, and my notebook lines have resulted in a trap that has killed at least 11 rays.

Anyone else remember the Lords act from 2012.

I find it a bit ironic that a PM that tried to pass a bill that tried to make the House of Lords an elected body due to feeling they were illegitimate is now an unelected Lord and unelected cabinet member.

Extra fun, fun fact. The author Guy de maupassant hated it so much that he would regularly dine there as it was the only restaurant where he didn't have to look at it whilst he ate.

Hey, stop giving our scam away. Between this and angry yelling maths at people, it's all I got.

Where is my Pitt the younger?

Easy tip, sneak up behind him, throw him with a barbarian and the knock him the rest of the way off the map with explosives

One line, two lines, three lines, and four lines

No one tell this man about the legendary Trident.

Tweaks to wild magic barbarian to make it more like it is in 5th ed.