Every IPS screen has grey blacks. Some are worse than others is what you meant to say.

I use my LCD-X for gaming. They're not "gaming" headphones by any means, but they sound unbelievable.

Just get great headphones and you can use them for anything, unless you're OCD level audiophile.

That's gayer than a man sucking on 100 dicks at the same time.

This game is way better when the light class is trash tier.

Suck a fat one, light mains.

I have an IPS screen right now. Blacks are basically grey.

I played seasons 1 and 2 for probably 3 hours per day. Ranked cashout was amazingly fun and competitive.

I played season 3 for 1 day. World tour is lame, and TA is even lamer.

$200 is pretty fair for good quality. Didn't mean to be so aggro lol.

I'm just used to clowns being like "Bro, I get 100 pounds for $100. That's so overpriced."

When they're buying vacuum-packed Cali garbage thinking it's amazing.

That's not that bad. Are you buying dry, brown bullshit from California for $600 per pound?

$300 per ounce is pretty standard pricing in NYC on the black market for high quality.

But $85 for legal weed is pretty bad. That shit is ALWAYS terrible.

With that GPU, you need to use 1440p. 4k will not be a fun experience. You'll get like 40 fps if you're lucky on max settings.


This is like having a Ferrari in the garage and using the Honda Civic most of the time. I can't do it.

I have a pair of LCD-X and Sennheiser Accentum Plus. I use the LCD-X 99% of the time because it sounds the best.

Using lesser headphones feels like a waste of time to me. I use cheaper headphones when traveling mostly.

Where's the option "I want ranked cashout back"

People complaining about people complaining is even worse.

Just getting cash for holding the cashout would defeat the purpose of rushing a point to take it. If it's 50% done already, it's pointless to attack it.

What a terrible idea. Last second steals are an adrenaline rush.

OP, you realize that 3-stacks in ANY game is always better than solo queue teams, right? Sounds like you're the one who's the crybaby. Skill issue.

Maybe people.......I don't know......Enjoy ranked cashout? God, you people are insufferable.

People keep saying "it'll split the playerbase," but that's so obviously nonsense.

People who like TA are playing TA, and people who like cashout are playing cashout. The playerbase is already split.

You think making TA the ranked mode is suddenly gonna make everyone jump to TA? Nope.

What happens if you accidentally bump into exposed planar drivers? For 8k, that would scare the shit out of me.

Monkey in Space

Lmao that fucking loser drove all the way there and bought tickets to the show to tell everyone that he was butthurt on Twitter awhile ago? Big yikes.

Pretty accurate description of the LCD-X. I much prefer them because the bass is so damn punchy.

The spatial profile isn't as wide as the hd 800s, but it's still exceptional for gaming. I've never felt at a disadvantage using the LCD-X for gaming. And for single player games? Forget about it. They're magical.

Yeah, fair enough. For a new venture, it makes sense to use stuff that's easily accessible and affordable.

I have a feeling if you got yourself 100mm planar drivers (if you can even buy those), you'd have a pair of headphones that rivals the behemoth brands if you tune them correctly.

The tuning part is apparently the reason why expensive headphones are.....Expensive. Not necessarily the part cost.

Looks like you dredged that amp out of the bottom of a lake.

Also, seeing sparks coming out of electronics is never normal.

Any reason you didn't use larger drivers? Or planar drivers? 50mm is a pretty average-sized driver. I'm not criticizing, just genuinely curious.

That's pretty damn cool making your own headphones.

I bet you a million dollars that this is an old white guy. Probably around 65 years old.

I felt like such a piece of shit doing this to finish the 75 meter damage challenge. Powershift is way more fun with no snipers.