I'm in the final stretch of finishing my PC build, but I'm still having quite the conundrum picking out a monitor for my PC build. I'm running a EVGA RTX 3080ti FTW3 ultra with a Ryzen 7 78003XD, the Asus ROG strix X670E-E motherboard, and 32gb of DDR5 Corsair Dominator Platinum ram. I know the build can technically run games in 4k, but not at a solid 60 fps or higher everywhere I go in the game.

For some more context, I will, for the most part, be playing single player games when my PC if completely built. I'm not that big into multi-player games anymore as I've gotten older. I will however still be playing some online games, but the online games I plan on playing are cooperative games. Not competitive FPS games. Some of the games being Fallout, The Elder Scrolls series, Atomic Heart, DayZ, Escape From Tarkov, Gray Zone Warfare, the Borderlands series, the Doom series, and Cyberpunk 2077 just to name a couple of examples.

I suppose it's also important to mention that I'm going from the PS5 to PC. I've been told the PS5 runs the games that allow it in 4k at 60-120fps, but I've also heard something about them only allowing the games made by them to actually be ran in 4k. I really don't have a good way to test 1440p at 60fps and vs 4k at 60fps and above.

The 1440p oled monitor I'm looking at is $96 more than the 4k one. Budget isn't really much of an issue as I've just been building this PC piece by piece as I obtain the extra money for it. Had to put it off for a while there because a boat load of house repairs came out of nowhere so had to get that all fixed up before spending anymore money on a PC.

I did ask this same question in one of the PC building subreddits, but I thought I'd get a 2nd opinions from another communtiy.