Not a white refrigerator!

Omg I'm so glad I watched the TikTok. This is brilliant. Ya'll looked amazing.

Not a white refrigerator!

I'd love to see real representation of the area and addressing the cultural issues. I'd be so much more interested in that than a bunch of old rich drunk white ladies.

I recommend looking at your local community health clinics. The wait may be long but they'll take your insurance. I've been there.

I see comfy shorts paired with comfy tops and a cute dress. Everybody else's outfit goes together.

Trauma tends to hold our maturity levels back so she may be dressing the way she mentally feels - stunted from the start of dating Jax.

Yes! Each piece could have worked - with something else paired with it. Like neither looks bad on her on their own.

I feel like both of her pieces could work on her individually but not paired together.

That was where he told all the lies about Brittany's "stroke."

Not a white refrigerator!

Omg yes! That was what literally got them all fired. I remember that.

It's like a section of north central MA that's really at risk. I think they said 10%. The Leominster area.

Jax was on it to give you an idea. He didn't do well though bc he's not very bright, he's just an ass.

Not a white refrigerator!

Oh yeah I don't think, before the reboot, they had anyone who wasn't white? I can't remember though. It's been a minute since I've watched that one.

Maybe I wasn't clear. They don't hire ALL villains to fill their cast. But they do intentionally hire SOME villains.

Those reasons are exactly why Traitors. And there's not much else they're good for. Maybe House of Villains?

Traitors specifically hires villains for that though. So yeah - he's got a reality TV villain role. He'll get a few spots for it and fizzle out. Vs Ariana has the bad ass boundaries vibe and there's so much more work available for that.

But she did talk to him. Just not the way they wanted her to.

Who are we to judge what's love? I was decidedly no longer dating after an awful breakup with a toxic human when my now partner came in and swept me off my feet. It's been two years now and it's been most definitely love for a long time. You can't pick when you find your person, it just happens.

Not a white refrigerator!

And Miami? I haven't watched that one but it seems similar.

Not a white refrigerator!

Yes! For example Garcelle calling out microagressions. I don't want it swept under the rug, I want to see it really addressed.