Stephen says autism would cause his hours and days long silent treatment/stonewalling/psychological punishment/coervice control of Laura. NO STEPHEN THAT IS ABUSE. In context of some of the incidents (like when he picked her up from the airport after she'd visited her dying aunt and he'd had the kids alone and he didn't speak to her the entire one hour trip or whenever she refused to do what he said or voiced her needs-- he would give her the silent treatment) and as a pattern it is abuse.

Laura says he was abusive to her because of his attachment styles. No LAURA THAT IS ABUSE.

Laura says him calling her six times when she won't answer is proof that "Your attachment styles can fluctuate.. THat's you going from avoidant to anxious" NO LAURA THAT IS ABUSE AND STEPHEN'S ENTITLEMENT TOWARDS YOU AND HIS COERCIVE CONTROL! And attachment styles don't fluctuate like that wildly out of control. Yes attachment styles can change over our lifetime but it's more like on a continuum than an on and off lightbulb. And you just don't understand the concept. Please read a few books on the topic you keep misunderstanding it. You can't try to understand every single little thing someone does to you that's abusive through attachment theory.
It's like she has a book for justifying all the abuse he heaps on her as "Oh that's his autism, that's his this or that....... she's internalised his voice and now his voice is in her head."

A common thing abusers do when you try to tell you something abusive they did to you was NOT OKAY is to twist it around and say "Well no one is perfect, we are all flawed and imperfect humans. You're not perfect are you?" You can see Stephen has been saying this to Laura for over a decade the way she fiercely defends him angrily in the latest video. Every time she mentions how people are mad at Stephen Hilton for the awful AWFUL homophobic, antisemitic, racist and sexist and transphobic and extremist conspiracy theory wacko pro covid, anti reproductive rights for women, anti vaccine, bullying of anyone old, fat or queer and inciting violence towards them etc --- she says BUT I AM NOT PERFECT! I am a flawed person. We are all flawed. As if this makes it okay. She will then put herself down in classic abused woman Stockholm syndrome . (I've lost count of the times she's done this) She will say -- "Oh well people are mad at Hilton for being homophobic online but......... I am awful too- we all are-- I am a big personality and hard to live with...." UM. What?????? We can all be annoying to live with but she's comparing two totally different things here.
Or "people are mad at Stephen Hilton for his year plus long of posting hate content but --- ALL PEOPLE SHOULD CARE ABOUT IS THAT HE SHOWS UP FOR HIS KIDS."
WTF ----------- she's in denial or ignorant bliss or PR marketing mop off repair mode more like it. I think she doesn't want to know the reality of what he's been doing and how it's potentially harmed her sponsorships and advertising deals etc and alienated well over half their loyal and long term fan base.
Oh so Laura- it's okay that someone's gay son was pushed off a cliff to their death in a murderous hate crime inspired by someone who watched Hilton's content because he SHOWS UP FOR HIS KIDS??? WTF???? He is exposing his kids to endless bullying and discrimination by posting this content alongside their faces and addresses. That is not showing up for his kids.

A- he doesn't show up for his kids. He can't even do their car seat belts up properly. He can't even cook them a meal. He admitted he spent the entire marriage staring at his phone rather than interacting with his children. He drives dangerously and whilst under the influence of drugs. He can't even have them unsupervised. She gets her nanny to mind them over night if she has a date night and he stays home alone moaning on his tik Tok lives. He booked a ticket to go overseas to chase his latest love interest who he'd been cheating on on Poppy's bday!! He does not show up for the kids. He uses them as props in his sick exploitation videos to try to make himself look good in a sick caricature of parenting. He should yell "PERFORM MONKEYS PERFORM!" every time he shoves the camera in their faces, wear a ring leader outfit and carry a little whip. That would make more sense.

CONCLUSION: Hilton justifies his abusive behaviour by weaponising therapy speak and autistic excuses. He has conditioned Laura with these manipulations for so long she truly and passionately believes it.

Laura tries to look smart and uses pop psychology phrases out of context and throws out random things she's heard from her therapist and tik Tok to try to justify his abusive behaviour towards her. (You can see she's really angry that people can see who Hilton truly is without the mask and I don't know if it offends her ego and pride that she gets SO ANGRY about it or it's more punishing from Hilton ..) Sadly we can see she doesn't understand the theory of the psychological principles she's discussing and just like her desperate attempts in the armchair of Dr Amen's room trying to push for a diagnosis of Hilton to understand how badly he treated her through a patholigising medicalised lens--- it doesn't work.
Drop the diagnosis speak. HE IS AN ABUSIVE MAN. Don't waste time trying to understand him and psycho analyse him. That is a waste of your energy.

And you know the answer. You know you deserve better. You know you DO NO deserve this treatment.