I’ve stopped buying it too…literally goes bad as soon as the bag is cut. This has been a thing foe this product for ages, because I’ve tried a couple times - I don’t know how they continue to sell any!

Many places won’t even take a physical application anymore - they’ll just refer you to apply online. It’s crazy times!

Agree with others that 124th street area is a bit more vibrant. The city is too spread out with lots of suburbs as opposed to a vibrant downtown with a high density population.

Agreed. Communication is clearly not the neighbors strong point…still might have to live next to them for many years and figure out the least painful way to have a decent relationship.

As others have stated, I’d check that the property lines were measured correctly. Perhaps he has kids or pets that made building the fence a priority, but his approach to split the cost with you was terrible.

Since you will have to be neighbors for possibly many years to come, I’d figure out a rough cost estimate then consider sharing some of the cost. It’s probably an unpopular opinion, but a good long term relationship with your neighbor might be worth it. Just make sure you are paying what you would have agreed to had you been involved from the beginning. Good luck!

Trying to stay fit and mobile as well as embracing my silvers. You get to an age where you realize that there will always be someone younger, prettier, and more fit than you, and that’s just fine. I’m working with what I’ve got and trying to be a kind human as I go on this journey!

People vote for the UCP thinking they are voting “conservative” because it’s part of their name, but really they are still the separatist “Wildrose Party” that everyone used to hate. Incorporate the word “conservative” into your party name and that’s all that some folks need to hear…

Buy some window decals and apply - works great! I’ve had to do this every where I’ve lived for just this reason. Go to a garden center or order off of Amazon.

NTA I’d prefer my husband go enjoy the experience that has been bought and paid for and is non-refundable. She should want him to go enjoy the trip, guilt free, since she is the one making a very obvious choice of who will be the most important person in her life. Technology has made distance a non issue for staying in touch - she definitely could have gone on her honeymoon trip and still stayed connected to her sister until they returned.

Oh man, so sorry this happened to you. We are in a secure apartment garage too but I guess if someone just followed another car through the resident garage entrance, it probably wouldn’t be questioned. Most folks would just assume they belonged there and went about their business.

The same with how holding the door and letting unknown people into the building can be a problem. People try to be friendly and don’t want to offend or assume the worst. Sadly, if a resident doesn’t know the people they are letting into the garage or the building, they shouldn’t be doing it at all.

So sorry you’re experiencing this. I’ve heard of others having similar difficulties.

Sorry you had to go through this. Sadly, this is a pretty common medical experience nowadays. Our health care system is a shambles with no light at the end of the tunnel. Definitely write your MLA as another person has suggested.

At the end of your rant, you wrote “lesson learned” and I’m curious as to what lesson was learned through this experience…

Agree! When we buy a card for family occasions, often we’ll just buy dollar store cards and personalizing them in some fun/rude way to get a good laugh. Good thing my family is super chill and everyone is on board with the idea. If a gift is involved, I never buy a card - just the gift bag or box with the little tag. I’ll take the $5 card money and use it towards including a treat or gc instead.

People where I work quit all the time with little or no notice if a better opportunity arises. Management is disappointed because it’s inconvenient, but it works out. If you’re not full time/salary, just reduce your availability to zero hours and also give your notice. Most times, even management understands that people have to leave when a there is the chance to improve your quality of life through a new job opportunity and fellow coworkers typically get it because they would do the same.

Lived in St Albert and backed onto Ray Gibbon Drive - same issue with the loud trucks ripping down the road at night. Drove everyone nuts.

Freson Bros. Fresh Market Glenora on 107 ave and 142 st has just opened and is supposed to be good. Expensive, but good reviews.

Nope, most normal people do not do this or find it acceptable. I even make sure my plants are cared for when away traveling. Get out now…

Leave it alone and enjoy the new life you’ve created for yourself.

If they are dealing with infertility, that will be enough karma for him to have to navigate.

NTA. Instinct is everything. Trust your gut and stay away from him.

I’m sorry that you’re not getting the health care you need though. I’m hopeful you can see someone soon that is trustworthy & qualified to give you an exam and find some answers. Women’s health issues are often overlooked because generations before us didn’t get proper care or consideration. Please push forward for your own gynecological health. Best of luck.

This is the same for most of the big banks - terrible, toxic work culture pushing bank products and disregarding the customers needs. Many years ago I was a teller and it was ridiculous then too.

Being asked why I didn’t meet my mortgage referral targets…like wtf?! I’m a bank teller (CSR)…here to help people pay bills and get their funds. We were supposed to quickly move the line along but sell them mortgages and GIC’s. I remember my supervisor salivating at an insurance deposit cheque when the widow came in to deposit it - I was disgusted and embarrassed as they were immediately trying to get her to invest it. Worst job ever. Got out of banking and never went back.