All that sorta stuff always comes out of California, the whole state is a mental asylum

I mean teachers shouldn't be teaching religious stuff unless it's a Christian school. Keep it to math and science

Sounds like 20 cheese burgers coagulatin

I use my powers of being a normal civilized human being to keep my loins in check.

Wtf kind of question is this?

What. The. Fuck. Why the hell did I click that

Throw on your 3d glasses cause it's coming right at ya!

As long as balls don't touch it's not gay

I know it's really fucked up but I totally understand where he's coming from. I'm a young widower and I've thought about joining her but I have a son and I can't do that to him. He keeps me going

They're office workers, they only know how to click clack

Instead of renting a truck and paying to drop off a couple couches I cut them down to manageable pieces and threw them away piece by piece in my trash cans. I'm already paying for trash pickup why do I have to pay to drop something off myself

Make an insurance claim and get it replaced, I swear they broke into my garage and cut the thing out

I work, and then I come home and work more and then go to bed. Not only am I single but I'm widowed. Every time I've brought it up I get ghosted. I've said fuck it at this point

Nothing. I'll put down 1 protein bar per day