The proper outcome should have been reporting this to the police since the greater crime was commited by the lad who will no doubt do this again given the messages his parents give him and the lack of consequences faced.

At the very least report it to the Police for your own protection should they try to get you on assault charges.

Also complain to the pool management since they handled this very badly and had a duty to protect you and help you report it. They failed to uphold their moral obligations here.

Finally your need to sort your husband's head out! Or get a new one!

How anyone involved in this can attribute any amount of blame to you is beyond me here.

Tell him you'll do whatever is needed to fix things but that you need him to sign an agreement about property & savings etc. Then fuck off.

So according to the "Internet" that means seatbelts are unsafe since more than half of deaths occurr to people wearing seatbelts.



Send this post to everyone including those on your side already. Make sure people know the facts then tell your parents and brother to fuck off, and never look back.

It's only thum in.. inta.... intalluctuals wot be tellin us we be dumb.

Apparently he makes around $2000 per day from the Coffee channel alone.

NOoNe hAS EveR DiED fRoM HeAT!!!!!!!!

As DJ Yoda and Dan Greenpeace would have said; "she's not the Jew you're looking for. Move along. Move along"

What did Women do before cook books? Did God just condemn the first few thousand years of Women without cookbooks to eternal Hell just to play some long game shit?

Yeah! That must be it /s

The dark ages = BC = Before Cookbooks

Nope. UK does, Germany rarely does. Very similar to most 2 prong" plugged countries.

1) NTA 2) Your poor girlfriend, I hope she gets better in good time 3) It sounds like she's lucky to have you if you can cope with all this 4) Wow if this is true you're a good person for helping her 5) Your family are rude and can fuck off