What?! Why?! Not the place for dogs. 

I get so annoyed by people bringing dogs into the farmers markets where there is a massive sign saying "No dogs per health department!" 

You only use the zest. That's where the real magic lies. 

I believe Camel Camel Camel is one but I've never set an alert on it. 

With my friends I've observed it's always easier to train one kid and then the other kid learns from the first by example. BIG praise and consistency is key. No shaming or yelling when there's an accident. Just "No biggie. You'll get it next time." 

It seems very similar to house training a dog to be honest. Add a bell to the bathroom door to alert you when they need to go. It can't hurt, right? Ha! 

Also, holy hell! Why is daycare so expensive?! That's boarding school cost level. Are they given silver toys to play with? 

Rant: It's 111° currently and my husband is dead set on waxing his truck in the California garage. This means I had to finish screening the open area so I can put all my tools away to give him room to pull in. The garage door is at least 200°. Ugh!!! He also decided he needed to sift the rock/dirt pile from a project 4 years ago that I've been begging him to help me with since January but instead he fished Thursday-Sunday. (Not an exaggeration.) I want to scream. I did all my outside projects starting in January so I wouldn't have to be this miserable. I can only be out for 15 minutes before I have to come inside dripping in sweat to cool off. I hate everyone and everything. 

(It's supposed to be 108°+ until 8 pm tonight. Fml.) 

Shopvac with collection bag. 

Lay a flashlight on the ground to easily see any glass pieces you missed. They'll sparkle immediately. 

Your phone didn't go off like an atomic bomb when the warning was issued? I don't think I could ever sleep through that. 

I was at my parents' when their sirens went off a few weeks ago and it was but a whisper. I only heard it because I went outside to move my car. Shocking because the ones around my home are so loud. 

Items not ringing up has been a plague lately. I don't understand because it's not like they are new products either. 

Thank you everyone who explained what "mole nudes" was because I would have never got it. Lol. Anyway, I have to agree that the mood in WF is abysmal. Everyone in there hates their job, especially the Amazon return desk. I used to love going in but I feel awful asking anyone in there where a product is located because they all look miserable and annoyed to be stocking in the middle of the day. 

"Bagging like they're Tom Cruise"

So spot on 😂 

I'm always impressed with their bagging tetris abilities. Always tight but never smooshed. It's a real skill. 

Craft show setup is so exhausting. There has to be a better canopy setup that doesn't involve 2 people. I've done it myself before but it took me 20 minutes instead of 5. 

I might have to institute a new rule that if someone asks for my advice on a project with detailed product recommendations and instructions then does the opposite, I'm no longer available for such advice. A friend asked how to paint wood paneling and instead of using shellac or oil primer, she is "just going to use old latex ceiling paint". I'm waiting for the text where she complains about the knots bleeding through the final color. 

I have many friends there and it looks horrific. It's been so hot and muggy lately too. I swear these storms keep getting worse and worse. 

Oh she's definitely skipping her shot next week. That sounds miserable. 

Really everyone I know on ozempic/monjuro is sick on the day they do the shot. My dour aunt is more so now that's she on it. Grouchy yet uppity about her weight loss. 

Pedialyte is your friend. Expensive but makes me feel so much better quickly. Godspeed. 

For the second time is 2 years I went through my parents' pantry and fridge to throw out expired and duplicate goods by request. They really should be banned from shopping at Sam's. The amount of waste is unbelievable. 

Also, 3/4 extension drawer slides should be banned. I didn't realize how luxurious full extension slides were until I went to put steak knives away in the back of a full utensil drawer. My poor knuckles. 

Cool epsom salt soaked washcloths helped me a ton. I was an idiot and got so sunburned gardening in a new top that had a lower neckline than what I normally wore. 

I can never do onions correctly either. Every time they turn out to be more rustic than I intended. Minced? Out of your mind. 

Also, why is garlic holding onto their covers so hard??? Just let go. I need to chop 20 of ya into chaotic chunks before I can move on. 

Yea...that's a lot of people's expectations to wrangle. Bachelorette or not, that a hard no from me. In groups that large, there's always one drama queen (same for groups of men) that sucks all the energy out of the weekend. I was roommates with that queen. I'm still a bit traumatized 10 years on. 

I'm sure it's fine. Oxiclean or alcohol can solve a lot of issues. 

Look up museum conservation techniques for the fabric type. They usually start very conservative before moving onto more aggressive techniques. 

Little pinch my behind. Lol. 

I did love the option because birth control was not cost-free at the time and $60 a month for BC was getting expensive. 

I am a little miffed Mirena is good for 8 years now. I could have gotten 3 more years out of that baby! 

Yay!!! My friend is thinking about getting one. I'm trying to be super honest with my painful experience without talking her out of it. I'll never get another one inserted but at least the removal was really easy. 

I was also weighed recently after working outside in my garden every day for 3 months for hours a day and not a single pound lost. I was really hoping for a high five or something. Whomp whomp. 

Just found out our favorite pickle maker is no longer. The travesty! We would order 20 jars at a time and gorge ourselves on them.