It is, but very difficult for a number of reasons. There is less money in it, and less of a culture because of that, and due to both of those factors the level of competition is significantly worse at heavier weights. And you are only as good as your competition.

Not a single actual fight I want to watch.

Pereira, Lopes, Dolidze, Silva, pick um, pyfer, fili, joudain, Talbott, pickum, buday, Tsuruya, Simon.

You’re tired man. Your mental and physical defenses that you use to hold all in are really in a weakened state. Think about how babies cry when they are tired (not saying you’re a baby). It’s normal to get emotional when tired or strained.

It’s a subversion of the expectation of Bayaz vs Khalul… first of all though, there is no proof that Khalu has actually perished. Secondly it was never really the central conflict. The real conflict is simply Bayaz in his role as the quasi evil overlord vs everyone. And not even vs Bayaz himself so much as characters trying to rebel against the world and societal systems that Bayaz has constructed over the centuries. The world is a stage, Bayaz is the director, and some of the actors are unhappy with the roles they have been given.

I “didn’t “ have a cat. *corrected.

Val Kilmer puts in a screen stealing performance, but outside of that it maybe breaks top 50 westerns. Depending on criteria.

I think it’s from the fight with the practicals at the end of “the blade itself”.

Nothing wrong with that. No matter the quality of a show, if it isn’t your vibe you aren’t going to enjoy it.

Very little at all. Maybe 2 shots in the whole 24 episodes. Almost zero sexual content.

I think Conor is pulling a negotiation rug. And he holds all the cards.

Jon jones is not, and has never been a “great” striker.