This might be my favorite dress ever.

Can you go to a non-VA doctor and see what they say?

Where on that website are you seeing the quote? I clicked and can't find it. Thanks.

How do you know this?? I work at UT

With a change in behavior that sudden it seems likely something something was wrong with her mind. I doubt a behaviorist would have done anything to help. I am so sorry for your loss and sorry for the pain you are feeling.

Antibodies for three autoimmune diseases but no clinical diseaseAdvice

Is anyone else in this situation? What does it mean for your life? How do you deal? I have antibodies for three autoimmune diseases:

  1. Sjogren’s SSA-a antibodies for Sjogren’s Syndrome – dry eyes but mouth is okay
  2. dsDNA antibodies for lupus (was 3 in 2021; most recent result is 14)
  3. Hashimoto’s (thyroid peroxidase AB and thyroglobulin ab) but TSH is normal
  4. Plus positive ANA for years

Mostly I’m just so fatigued, and it’s frustrating to be so tired and have antibodies for three diseases but be told you don’t have clinical disease yet. The lupus result is scary to me because it’s gotten so much higher in the past four years; however, I don’t have clinical disease yet, and my physician said maybe I’d never develop it.

Has something similar happened to anyone else?

Seeking Diagnosis

Is anyone else in this situation? What does it mean for your life? How do you deal? I have antibodies for three autoimmune diseases:

  1. Sjogren’s SSA-a antibodies for Sjogren’s Syndrome – dry eyes but mouth is okay
  2. dsDNA antibodies for lupus (was 3 in 2021; most recent result is 14)
  3. Hashimoto’s (thyroid peroxidase AB and thyroglobulin ab) but TSH is normal
  4. Plus positive ANA for years

Mostly I’m just so fatigued, and it’s frustrating to be so tired and have antibodies for three diseases but be told you don’t have clinical disease yet. The lupus result is scary to me because it’s gotten so much higher in the past four years; however, I don’t have clinical disease yet, and my physician said maybe I’d never develop it.

Has something similar happened to anyone else?

I came here because I saw my neighbors post video of this on our neighborhood Facebook group and it freaked me out. Does anyone have any actual information on this?

Art Location with Heavy Machinery

My dad remembers visiting somewhere in Austin a few years ago that was like a big workshop with lots of woodworking tools and metalworking tools. He specifically remembers lots of people working under one roof and a giant metal lathe. Does anybody know what he might be talking about? Google wasn’t helpful. Thank you!

Thanks for the reply. Now I’m wondering what the jobs in this sector actually are then.

Process improvement

Workforce optimization

Also plug this post into ChatGPT and see what it spits out.