Does misery really love company?

Because I want nothing more than to be alone

Roleplay Idea:

First Person whenever you're wearing helmets to simulate the reduced peripheral vision

Saw my hours dwindling by the week, literally asked for more, got scheduled significantly less, then got a call to come in as a sub on a day I had something else planned

Keep in mind, I planned around the schedule I was given

They'll feel it when all they have is a skeleton crew and then half of THAT calls out

Which is the other side of the same frustration: seeing a posting for a position but that same posting isn't on their direct site

It doesn't make sense

Why in the hell are jobs posted on one site to apply, but they just redirect you to another site where the actual application is? It's a waste of time and usually makes me distrust the application in the first place. Everyone is just asking for information, and likely are just going to sell it in the end.

One baker we had would make one side too big to be a half but too small to be a whole

Used to cut off the unusable end and make mini toast to snack on

I have 2:

I will. Make you. Suffer.

If I don't, who will?!

He tried to kill Goku first, Piccolo pushed him out of the way and took the shot

This whole era of Gohan

Ultimate is cool and all, but high school Gohan is where it's at

I am Dovahkiin

My partners are Goku and protagonist of Black Ops 4

I think I'm fine

Nitpicking at little mistakes I make [home]

Continued beratement even after finding out I'm not at fault [home]

Rather pointed jabs at character at my expense [work]

Having been mistaken by a wanted person by police

Teased over my mental health and how it affects me [home]