The last 2 games were not what we wanted but, that being said, Game 4 was easily winnable despite poor games from most of our team.

A few quick takes about how close Game 4 was and how a couple minor things piled against us:

  • Wolves have to hit Free Throws. Be it lack of concentration, nerves, adrenaline, fatigue it doesn't matter. Shooting 18-27 from the free throw line was a killer. The Wolves are a 77% shooting team from ft on the season. They hit even average they add 2-3 points.
  • As has been pointed out, if Ant goes later last shot in second quarter, even if it misses , they're only down 10 instead of 15 at half.
  • Naz was doing well on offense. Seems strange they went away from him and seems obvious in hindsight. Replace Kyle's minutes with Naz and the Wolves add at least bucket or two more during those minutes and this game is very winnable.

So, the game was close and came down to some very minor focus and minutes adjustments on our side. It didn't happen but that was how close we were to be going back to Denver up 3-1. So take hope, it was winnable. (This coming from a normally pretty cynical Minnesota fan).

In game 5 I'm hoping for the Naz for Kyle minutes adjustment and:

  • Kat has shot poorly. Give him opportunities to see if he can get it going but really he should be getting off the ball and keeping things moving as Naz did during his injury absence.
  • Quit with the full court pressure, or at least do it less, since they are generating good looks off of it now and Kat and Jaden are just giving up dumb fouls doing so anyways.
  • Quit doubling from under the rim onto Joker.

Game 4 was very winnable. I'm not buying into any of the Rudy hate either. He's definitely not reason we lost the last two games (and a major reason we were here to begin with).

Focus issues, Kat poor shooting, and minutes from an unplayable Slo-Mo were our biggest issues and can be overcome. This series was expected to be a tight one and we're getting at least 6. It hasn't disappointed.