I haven’t yet. I don’t feel terrible anymore. But I do still want him in my life.

So much. I’m always in the background. Acknowledged, but never appreciated. This has happened my whole life but I mostly think of my last relationship. My boyfriend’s effort was very easy to see. Mine wasn’t. We both made the same sacrifices, but somehow, he believed he was the only one who did.

He left without a word a little over a year ago. I tried to reach out several times but he wants nothing to do with it. I love him, I never would’ve done this to him. Him leaving the way he did has stayed with me everyday since - everyday. I feel better, but I feel alone. I didn’t deserve this.

I haven’t listened to music or anything I shared with him for months now. It’s helping, but idk if it’s the most healthy thing.

This needs to not be discussed. I was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and SA and couldn’t imagine still having people discuss what happened to me years after I wanted them to stop

It could also be the fact that I don’t remember them well. But last year was the toughest year of my life 😂

That girl - the moment. Am I right?

Forgive if you want but you don’t owe anyone anything.

I’m in grad school now. Could’ve been my lower knowledge base. But AP courses have the same intensity as grad school classes. I took college courses in hs at the same time as the AP courses. The college courses were easy.

Not from my parents. But everyone thought it was funny that I looked worried or anxious all the time, even at 3-4 years old. I’ve had anxiety all my life

Idk. Maybe in some ways. I know how I am now is completely based on my trauma. But it feels so far away now, another life.

The worst is random smells or situations that trigger emotional flashbacks. I wish I knew what was happening to me when I’m smelling those things or seeing them.

The fact the breakup felt worse than the memories of years of religious abuse and someone forcing me to do sexual things with them is crazy.

Being able to move on from an extremely triggering situation after my breakup last year. I didn’t think it was possible. It still makes me sad, but I’m not in a dark place like I was.

Tattling on Chloe is actually something that’s blown out of proportion. I’m trying to figure out how not following the rules and putting your child at risk (what Christi did) is being defended.

Also, corporate work is very familial. Everyone gets really close and gets to know each other very well at times. More than most jobs. If you’re in an office environment, you could be in close proximity with people with most of the day, every workday.

Coming back to this. My ex said the same thing then cut me off when I immediately didn’t apologize and defended myself, instead. Just love that 🤭😂