Pirelli good, debris bad

They should make similar ones for the British GP each year

Pirelli good, debris bad

In the new engine regs there wont be space for that. They should lie within 3% of eachother

Pirelli good, debris bad

Any predictions when Leclerc will be WDC??? Will F1 cobtinue on after alien invasion??? Will Stroll ever be fired??

So many questions

Als het werkelijk daarom gaat zouden andere stadsbesturen ook vliegen. Maar zoals eerder benoemd reizen ambtenaren uit nijmegen zelden of nooit

Familielid van mij werkt in brussel en iig geval het eerste stuk van Brussel naar Amsterdam /utrecht is heel goed te doen

Alleen een beetje duur tov. de Flixbus maar als je duurzaamheid hoog in het vaandel hebt betaal je daar uiteraard meer voor/s

I have to see it to believe it

Apology for bad English

When were you when Norris dies???

I was at home drinking Redbull when phone ring.

'Norris is kill'


Op het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken vraagt een journalist aan de minister:

"Hoeveel ambtenaren werken hier nu eigenlijk?"

Zegt de minister: "Iets meer dan de helft..."

Imagine their suprise when it wasnt micro 🤣

Pirelli good, debris bad

The first collission is Verstappens fault

The 2nd however is not. Just lando turning into a car he saw was clearly there

Most level headed and true comment i have read since the incident.

It was hard racing. Max was at fault for the collision. Yes it was a racing incident. Lando drove like a mental. Squeezing your opponent is pretty normal and allowed.

This incident was in the making ever since Miami

Talking about taking the covid vax is like being one of those Japanese holdouts after ww2!!

Pirelli good, debris bad

Not his finest moment

Just kiss one of your bros, that should set her straight

Nee ik heb het filmpje niet gezien maar ik reageer puur op de info in de comments.

They are very nice and understanding of eachothers body!!

The dude is litterally saying he only wants love

This is the sad part, if you as a dude confess online that you want love you will always be labeled by people as an incel