Christians weren't nearly as violent during the Roman period

I was more reffering to the crusades and colonization time, especially of south america.

Also Charlemagne wasn't a very nice guy while spreading christianity to the saxons.

Beside it's maybe not impossible but extrem hard to realize, and therefor extrem expensive: WHY? There is no reason to do so.

Spain is trying to keep africans out of their excalves, why they should build a tunnel?

There is just no reason to do this, there is just no way to get back the extrem high costs.

A pipeline is way more likely than a tunnel in which humans could travel.

Well... convert or be expelled / discriminated / killed...

I guess many would "convert".

Indeed this is how Islam spreaded in the first place. It's always the same... and also have been done by christians long time ago.

In the german synchronization he saidf one sentence: "okay dann nicht". -> "okay, then not".

It was the episode when quark said he would give him a drink, but he only gave him an empty glass, becasue he had to go in a hurry.

Wow... ich wusste nicht, dass r/tja so krass links ist.

Interesting, you really think we are leaving after the winter is over?

I dont see any advantage in staying in. Russia is not providing any help and not delivering weapons that re already paid... anything i forgot?

why why why

why why why

why why why

why why why

why why why

why why why


haha... they should offer something if they want Armenia to stay in after April 2024.

Until now I only see hot air and complains.

Priester-Seminar Gangbang?

Du beschwörst Bilder in meinem Kopf, die ich nie haben wollte.

War der Mann ein Priester und sein Partner ein Messdiener?

"Religion der Liebe" immer im Twist mit der ""Religion des Friedens".

zumindest haben sie alle gute PR Berater.

De-Facto Atheist

Everyone choses his/her faith... some choose the darkness.

I wonder where russia gets the money for the media war from to support those democracy destroyer.

Well, something like this happened more than once. And I really dont care if he did it by himself or someone of the crew.

One thing is for sure, some things happened there that seem not to be okay.

And I think Till can handle it if people make jokes about this, even when it's Farin Urlaub.

North Rhine-Westphalia (🇩🇪 ) 🇦🇲 🇪🇺 :ua:

Yes, kidnapping Putin would be a possible casus belli for a nuclear war.

Ich finde es ja sehr interessant dass dein Gegenargument gegen wirtschaftliche Umverteilung das Posten von teilweise jahrhunderte alter Krisen ist, die überhaupt nichts mit der Situation zu tun haben.

Genau da liegt Dein Irrtum. Die Linkspartei ist im Geiste immer noch in der Vergangenheit verhaftet.

Aber das ist ja nicht einmal der Hauptgrund für ihre Unwählbarkeit. Denn das ist ganz klar die Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik. Und wenn die Wirtschaftspolitik nur halb so übel ist, dann würde dies bereits zu einem der verlinkten Szenarien führen. Es fällt mir schwer Leuten die in einer Sache völlig versagen würden in einer anderen Kompetenz zuzusprechen.

North Rhine-Westphalia (🇩🇪 ) 🇦🇲 🇪🇺 :ua:

Would like to see this from a german view, or finnish.

North Rhine-Westphalia (🇩🇪 ) 🇦🇲 🇪🇺 :ua:

Thats right, thats another option, but even harder to reach.

Nothing that the west can do.

I really started to like this band but I’m very disappointed that Farin made fun of Till since it isn’t true

How do you know that?

Imho Rammstein is the most overrated band in entire history. And I have every confidence in Lindemann is able to do that.

I'm maybe not 100% of the same opinion with Farin always, but usually i am and in this case this joke is justified.

Nur verstehe ich halt nicht was an umverteilung von oben nach unten so naive ist.

Die Art und Weise wie sie das vor haben erinnert eher an Frankreich 1789 und Deutschland 1923 (Hyperflation), China 1958 oder Venezuela 2019

Sowas geht nur behutsam, nicht im Hau-Ruck-Verfahren. Aber den Linken fehlt halt jedes wirtschaftliche Wissen um dieses Vorhaben erfolgreich umzusetzen...