lol me neither. I am no Caila Quinn fan but your comment is spot on

For sure! Or it’s a clumsy intro to something sponsored she will bring up. Caila is not the smoothest in those but if she is planning then it’s the right time

lol at Caila Quinn for saying she is healed and then deliberately blasting the name of the girl who was mean to her at 5 year high school reunion.

Objectively you are right…but she has been so genuine and hard working in her becoming an influencer journey. Also honest but sensitive about her TTC journey that I don’t get annoyed by her.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me I am being punked and that this person is running a satire or parody account. Every time I get directed to check her stories I feel like I enter a new dimension of vapid and delusion.

THIS!! This isn’t my thing nor do I follow this woman. But postpartum is tough and everyone has their own journey. Having to work so soon after giving birth is also too relatable. For some like her, it could also be how she feels like her old self. It’s also possible to feel like you are drowning and have no time but have a lot of down time when you are nap trapped or feeding…so feeling like you have no time and then sitting on your phone and posting it is also possible. I am happy for those who did not have to go through such conflicting emotions postpartum but it isn’t so black and white.

I appreciate the dialogue and agree that if it triggers me then they are mine to own. I took my snark back. Happy snarking.

It’s not the accomplishment to not be proud of or talk above. It’s a lot of work as I do it as well. It’s the flaunting of the quantity of milk as one of the poster below said. It’s actually quite a common practice to include Tw when showing an oversupply on screen because how emotionally challenging and taxing process it is for new moms. The same way when people include courtesy tw when they discuss miscarriage etc so people can skip

Thank you! It was a rough month but we are getting to fewer tears!! The mom guilt kicks in but it is also an option that works best for our family!

💯 she has a history of being unkind to different types of service providers and never taking accountability. Even through her own admission, it seems likes the daycare tired to bring her up the waitlist. Her poor planning is not their emergency.

This!! It’s wildly unpredictable how it will go. She has mentioned multiples times that she is overwhelmed so instead of just saying she needs childcare, she someone has to spin it about a smart solution for cycling through bugs in preparation for a newborn.

It wasn’t something she captured. It’s a compilation of kids having big emotions at pickup. A lot of people who are against daycares basically share it to shame mothers saying “look at the damage you are causing”. I don’t want to share in case someone is struggling like I was. The reality is yes kids cry but they are literally over it before you even reach the front desk. They cry because they are adjusting to a new norm and crying is really their only way of communication.

She has shown multiple times that she is clueless but often comes on her platform with a self congratulatory and smug tone about her parenting decisions. What irked me about this whole thing was few weeks ago she shared that awful video when kids burst into tears during parent pick up with a caption “ I told Nick T is never going daycare” I remember it because I was having a hard week transitioning my kid to daycare and had to mute her

Caila Quinn again with her child endangering shilling posts. This time for money and partnership with a pool cover. The commentary on the reel is pointing out to how unsafe her recommendation is. and she is selectively picking fights. Do these people not worry about their karma when they shill unsafe practices that affect children? I used to feel that she was just not the sharpest but this just feels dangerous.

She is full on walking around target doing ads for things she is not even buying. That second mortgage must be hurting. Her mom content is the cringiest. It would have been fine if she had humility about navigating a very challenging phase but she uses it to preach and for content.

😮 thank you. And they are bashing their spouse!!

I keep seeing this person mentioned here. What’s is the TLDR on this person? Thanks!

Yea I stopped following her. Her content got stale and just mundane. It turned into cycle of makeup stories, random videos of her kids throughout the day doing basic things, complaining about something that makes it clear she grew up as a spoilt brat, sprinkled with some videos that jump on a trend or some performative social justice story. I know I described basically most influencers but somehow it was even meh compared to others

No idea. I find Hkcung annoying in many ways (boring, self righteous and sometimes just way too “look at me I am such a sacrificing daughter” but I do appreciate how far she goes to keep her kid off the internet when so many of her peers don’t and rely on capitalizing on their kids… look at Sarah rose summers and nextwithnita. These kids are online all the time and they have no control who is watching this content. Total strangers know these kids’ milestones and challenges. These parents don’t care because they make money and in some cases how they grow. I do admire hkcung not taking the easy way out and exploiting her daughter like her friends do.

I don’t follow this person but they are mentioned so often than I had to look…I feel like I have unlocked a new level of vapid. Her high risk pregnancy doctor husband spent 3-4 hours researching per self tanner?? Is this a satire account?

It’s crazy to me influencers like Tia and Caila come on stories and say they are stressed about carrying multiple mortgages but seem to also move into multimillion McMansions before selling their current homes. Clearly you have the money for bank to approve and hopefully enough sense that you don’t assume what you are preapproved for is what you should take on as debt…but influencer finances…

Super stressful but self inflicted. She made bunch of expensive updates in an area that is not priced similarly and then decided to move houses in a really short time frame. Has also gone a couple of agents for the listing which means she is delusional enough to think people want to pay for her vision and upgrades. Tbf in this market, people may but I don’t believe her when she said “offer fell through”.

She never struck me as the brightest or the sharpest but straws don’t work for our lifestyle is one comeback…I am convinced she shares deliberately stupid mommy tips for engagement. For someone whose job is on the internet she acts like she lives under a rock and constantly posts controversial/ wrong tips, products etc..

That too while pregnant to go to a partnership event and then setting up the camera for content. The content is cringe but I can’t snark for the hard work she put in.

I agree! I do appreciate her messaging on this. From what we can see, she also lives by this principle. And I imagine it’s hard doing that and seeing others surpass you by constantly linking new things. People like Caila have no principles. She will say it to link something sand within 24 hours will do a huge Walmart hauls.